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2 Items

Darwin’s queries on expression


When Darwin resumed systematic research on emotions around 1866, he began to collect observations more widely and composed a list of queries on human expression. A number of handwritten copies were sent out in 1867 (see, for example, letter to Fritz Muller…

Matches: 13 hits

  • … children Crichton-Browne, James 20 May …
  • … nodding Crichton-Browne, James 19 May 1869 …
  • …   Crichton-Browne, James 15 March 1870 …
  • … blushing Crichton-Browne, James 18 March …
  • … blushing Crichton-Browne, James 3 April …
  • … Darwin, Francis [before 30 June 1872] New University …
  • … Galton, Francis 7 Nov 1872 Rutland Gate, London, …
  • … Meyer, A.B. 25 April 1872 Manila, Philippin Islands …
  • … Heath, England   Paget, James 9 …
  • … 3 Sept 1870 Conservative Club, St James' St, London, England …
  • … Reade, Winwood W. 7 Sept 1872 11 St Mary Abbot' …
  • … Reade, Winwood W. 5 Nov 1872 13 Alfred Place, …
  • … Theodore Stack, James West 4 Dec 1867 …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 27 hits

  • … to Borneo [Keppel 1846] 31. Fox’s Hist of James 2 d . [Fox 1808] June 23 d  Guizot …
  • … (amusing) 27 Abbott Travels from Khiva to Heraut [James Abbott 1843] (very good) Nov. …
  • … 171] Pagets Travels in Hungary & Transylvania [John Paget 1839]— account of Dogs like …
  • … [Haydon 1853] (very interesting) —— 25. Sir James Brooks Private Letters [Brooke 1853] …
  • … Empire [Huc 1855] Feb 16 th  Pagets Hungary [John Paget 1839] —— Bechsteins …
  • … 24] 1859 Pagets Lectures on Pathology [James Paget 1853] Ch 1–3 & Last …
  • … notes for both William Bennett’s edition (1837) and for James Rennie’s edition (1833) of Gilbert …
  • … de   Neuchâtel . 47  Possibly a slip for James Abbott,  Narrative of a journey …
  • …  This paper has not been identified. It is possible that James Wilson’s work on the origin of …
  • … referrred to in Darwin’s reading notebooks Abbott, James. 1843.  Narrative of a journey from …
  • … by Mary Howitt. London.  119: 15b Anderson, James. 1785.  An account of the present state …
  • … Dominique François Jean. 1839.  Historical eloge of   James Watt … Translated … with additional …
  • … Harriet Martineau. London.  128: 3 Audubon, John James Laforest. 1831–9.  Ornithological …
  • … and Sark.  London.  *119: 6v. Backhouse, James. 1843.  A narrative of a visit to the   …
  • … methods of catching them . With notes by the translator [James Rennie]. London.  *119: 7v. …
  • … . Paris. [Darwin Library.]  119: 19a Bolton, James. 1794–6.  Harmonia ruralis; or, an …
  • … America.  2 vols. London.  119: 7a Boswell, James. 1831.  The life of Samuel Johnson … …
  • … trees . Edinburgh.  119: 7a, 13a Bowerbank, James Scott. 1840.  A history of the fossil …
  • … By Currer Bell. 3 vols. London.  128: 21 Brooke, James. 1853.  Private letters of Sir …
  • … from the vicinity of the river Congo. Appendix 5 of Tuckey, James Kingston,  Narrative of an …
  • … Egypt and   Syria . London.  119: 4a Bruce, James. 1790.  Travels to discover the …
  • … Edinburgh and London.  128: 25 Bunbury, Charles James Fox. 1848.  Journal of a residence …
  • … . London. [Other eds.] *119: 3v.; 119: 5a Dana, James Dwight. 1849.  Geology . Vol. 10 …
  • …   Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I.,   and Charles I., 1540–1646 . …
  • … of England  15: 76–88.  *128: 177 Duncan, James. 1841.  The natural history of exotic …
  • … of wheat . Jersey and London. [Darwin Library; 2d ed. (1872) also in Darwin Library.]  *119: 7v.; …
  • … pts. Salem, Mass. [Darwin Library.]  *119: 23v. Paget, James. 1853.  Lectures on surgical …