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4 Items

People featured in the German and Austrian photograph album


Biographical details of people from the Habsburg Empire that appeared in the album of German and Austrian scientists sent to Darwin on 12 February 1877. We are grateful to Johannes Mattes for providing these details and for permission to make his…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … at the Imperial Natural Cabinet. Between 1865 and 1872, he served as librarian of the Zoological …
  • … official ( Ministerialrat ) in the Ministry of Commerce (1872). Additionally, he built up an …
  • … der Walfischgasse. In: Wiener Extrablatt 64 (29 th  May) 1872. p. 9. N.N.: Die …
  • … Raised to the peerage and promoted to the rank of major general, he became commander of the uniform …
  • … Universität Wien. In: Wiener Zeitung (13 th  February) 1872. p. 623.  F.A. Nussbaumer: Ton …

Race, Civilization, and Progress


Darwin's first reflections on human progress were prompted by his experiences in the slave-owning colony of Brazil, and by his encounters with the Yahgan peoples of Tierra del Fuego. Harsh conditions, privation, poor climate, bondage and servitude,…

Matches: 15 hits

  • … natural selection as applied to human development. Another major point of controversy was the …
  • … Fuegians are in a more miserable state of barbarism, than I had expected ever to have seen a human …
  • … like what children make in summer, with boughs of trees.— I do not think any spectacle can be more …
  • … is the first Europæan nation which utterly abolishes it.— I was told before leaving England, that …
  • … a subject that interests me to an unreasonable degree. That I sh d receive answers written by the …
  • … by no means desirous of running down Missionary work, I must own that in my opinion their teaching …
  • … zoologist Alpheus Hyatt. In the last edition of Origin (1872), Darwin tried to clarify his …
  • … unaltered from long before Silurian age to present day. I grant there will generally be a tendency …
  • … Letter 6728 : from Charles Lyell, 5 May 1869 "I feel that Progressive Development or …
  • … intellectual error but certainly with profound conviction, I am a teleologist. I believe that the …
  • … rules all other beings as well, plants included. And I believe that the first cause of all …
  • … Letter 8658 : to Alpheus Hyatt, 4 December [1872] "I have never been so foolish as to …
  • … mean by progressive development; but this is a point which I have briefly discussed in the Origin. …
  • … the welfare of each being, as corporeal structure: if so, I can see no difficulty in the most …
  • … aided probably by effects of inherited mental exercise. I look at this process as now going on with …

Darwin in letters, 1869: Forward on all fronts


At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  Origin. He may have resented the interruption to his work on sexual selection and human evolution, but he spent forty-six days on the task. Much of the…

Matches: 15 hits

  • … species. Darwin correctly assessed Nägeli’s theory as a major challenge requiring a thorough and …
  • … have understood … I always thought individual differences [i.e., differences between individuals] …
  • … so well whole classes of facts in distribution, that I must joyfully accept it; indeed I go so far …
  • … same letter to Croll, Darwin had expressed another worry: ‘I am greatly troubled at the short …
  • … of the earth’s crust from the secular cooling of the globe I am not altogether satisfied with the …
  • … Thomas Henry Huxley and Wallace.  He confided to Huxley, ‘I find that the few sentences which I have …
  • … ourselves bound to agree with him in all his theories, if I could assist him however in his …
  • … and towards the end of the year Darwin complained: ‘I am weary of everlasting males & females, …
  • … & mouth compressed & upper lip raised— An expression, as I read it, of dislike & …
  • … reply, adding: ‘Should the sort of information which I have sent prove of any service to M r . …
  • … wrote enthusiastically to Crichton-Browne on 22 May : ‘I do not know how to thank you enough for …
  • … They contain exactly and fully the information which I wanted; and besides being of the greatest use …
  • … in man and animals  ( Expression ), published in 1872, more than a year after  Descent . …
  • … were growing less certain.  As you expected I differ grievously from you, & I am very …
  • … expression of a deep conviction founded on evidence which I have not alluded to in the article but …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … (DAR 119) opens with five pages of text copied from Notebook C and carries on through 1851; the …
  • … [Lindley 1840]— Chapter on Races improvement of &c &c important I should think …
  • … 128: 14 Kitto, John. 1845.  Deafness . Series I of  The lost senses . 2 pts. London.  …
  • … of wheat . Jersey and London. [Darwin Library; 2d ed. (1872) also in Darwin Library.]  *119: 7v.; …
  • … Mountains, via Gwalior,   Agra, Delhi and Sirhind. By Major Sir W. Lloyd. And Captain   A. …