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New features for Charles Darwin's 208th birthday


The website has been updated with an interactive timeline (try it!) and enhanced secondary school resources for ages 11-14. What's more, the full texts of the letters for 1872 are now online for the first time, and a selection of Darwin's…

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  • … 11-14 . What's more, the full texts of the letters for 1872 are now online for the first …
  • … (examples: Thomas Henry Huxley , Mary Treat , Charles Lyell , Emma Darwin , Asa Gray …
  • … classroom. Over six hundred of Darwin's letters from 1872 are now published online for …
  • … in man and animals .  Read Darwin's Life in Letters for 1872 . Darwin and women …

Language: key letters


How and why language evolved bears on larger questions about the evolution of the human species, and the relationship between man and animals. Darwin presented his views on the development of human speech from animal sounds in The Descent of Man (1871),…

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  • … continents.” Letter 3054: Darwin, C. R. to Lyell, Charles, 2 Feb [1861] If the …
  • … were separately created. Darwin writes to the geologist Charles Lyell about the views of the Harvard …
  • … in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), arguing that similarities in facial …
  • … Letter 8367: Darwin, C. R. to Wright, Chauncey, 3 June [1872] In this letter to the …

Referencing women’s work


Darwin's correspondence shows that women made significant contributions to Darwin's work, but whether and how they were acknowledged in print involved complex considerations of social standing, professional standing, and personal preference.…

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  • … Letter 8321 - Darwin to Litchfield, H. E., [13 May 1872] Darwin consults his …
  • … Letter 7345 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [15 June 1872] Darwin’s niece, Lucy, reports …
  • … Letter 8427 - Darwin to Litchfield H. E., [25 July 1872] Darwin thanks Henrietta for …
  • … 8168 - Ruck, A. R. to Darwin, H., [20 January 1872] Amy Ruck reports the results …
  • … 8193 - Ruck, A. R. to Darwin, H., [1 February 1872] Amy Ruck sends a second …
  • … Letter 8224 - Darwin to Ruck, A. R., [24 February 1872] Darwin asks his …
  • … Letter 7345 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [15 June 1872] Darwin’s niece, Lucy, reports …

Fake Darwin: myths and misconceptions


Many myths have persisted about Darwin's life and work. Here are a few of the more pervasive ones, with full debunking below...

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  • … Many myths have persisted about Darwin's life and work. Here are a few of the more pervasive ones, …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

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  • … Letter 8676 - Treat, M. to Darwin, [13 December 1872] Mary Treat details her …
  • … Letter 8683 - Roberts, D. to Darwin, [17 December 1872] Dora Roberts reports an …
  • … 9 November 1868] Darwin’s nephews, Edmund and Charles, write to Emma Darwin’s sister, …
  • … 8144 - Darwin to Wedgwood, L. C., [5 January 1872] Darwin asks his niece, Lucy, …
  • … 8168 - Ruck, A. R . to Darwin, H., [20 January 1872] Amy Ruck reports the results …
  • … Letter 8224 - Darwin to Ruck, A. R., [24 February 1872] Darwin asks his …
  • … Letter 8169 - Wedgwood, L. to Darwin, [20 January, 1872] Darwin’s niece, Lucy, gives the …
  • … the Isle of White. Letter 4433  - Wright, Charles to Gray, A., [20, 25, 26 March …
  • … 8427 - Darwin to Litc hfield, H. E., [25 July 1872] Darwin thanks Henrietta for …
  • … 8153  - Darwin to  Darwin, W. E., [9 January 1872] Darwin thanks his son William …
  • … Letter 8676  - Treat, M. to Darwin, [13 December 1872] Mary Treat details her …

Darwin in letters, 1874: A turbulent year


The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early months working on second editions of Coral reefs and Descent of man; the rest of the year was mostly devoted to further research on insectivorous plants. A…

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  • at Erasmuss house. The event was led by the medium Charles E. Williams, and was attended by George
  • friend Joseph Dalton Hooker, and finally borrowed one from Charles Lyell ( letter to Smith, Elder
  • for the book may have been increased by the publication in 1872 of  Corals and coral islands , by
  • at a much reduced price of nine shillings, in line with Charles Lyells  Students elements of
  • …  vol. 20, letter to St G. J. Mivart, 11 January [1872] ). To Darwins relief, Murray replied
  • …  vol. 20, letter to Hubert Airy, 24 August 1872 ). The passage took twelve weeks aboard the
  • raising £860 ( Circular to John Lubbock, P. L. Sclater, Charles Lyell, W. B. Carpenter, and Michael
  • Sharpe, 24 November [1874] ).  He wrote in admiration of Charles Lyells plan to leave a bequest to
  • of the English editions. Darwins French publisher, Charles Reinwald, engaged new translators to
  • connotations of both Huxleys and Tyndalls addresses, Charles Lyell, who had spent his career
  • may be fairly said to have had an ovation’ ( letter from Charles Lyell, 1 September 1874 ). …

Rewriting Origin - the later editions


For such an iconic work, the text of Origin was far from static. It was a living thing that Darwin continued to shape for the rest of his life, refining his ‘one long argument’ through a further five English editions.  Many of his changes were made in…

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  • up each edition to the existing standard of science’ ( to Charles Layton, 24 November [1869] ). …
  • published, 1869 6 th English edition published, 1872   1 st to 2
  • expansionin many places’ . Chief among these was Charles Lyell, instrumental in shaping both
  • last one was a welcome endorsement from the religious author Charles Kingsley, a chaplain to the
  • Black Pigs in the Everglades  delights  me If Lyell was Darwins key correspondent for
  • … (With a glossary of scientific terms??) by Charles Darwin F.R.S.   …
  • many of his old friends and former correspondents, including Lyell ( now approached through his
  • ed. , pp45061). Despite continuing scepticism from Charles Lyell, who was staying with the

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

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  • … 1 Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by …
  • … from the correspondence or published writings of Asa Gray, Charles Darwin, Joseph Dalton Hooker, …
  • … following: Actor 1 – Asa Gray Actor 2 – Charles Darwin Actor 3 – In the dress …
  • … the botanist, Joseph D Hooker GRAY:   3   Charles Darwin… made his home on the border …
  • … the year 1839, and copied and communicated to Messrs Lyell and Hooker in 1844, being a …
  • … at the expense of Agassiz. DARWIN:   20   Lyell told me, that Agassiz, having a …
  • … – to be false… Yours most sincerely and gratefully Charles Darwin. CREED AND FEVER: 1858 …
  • … forgetfuless of your darling. BOOKS BY THE LATE CHARLES DARWIN: 1863-1865 In which …
  • … and officially die. And then publish books ‘by the late Charles Darwin’. Darwin takes up …
  • …   173   Ever yours cordially (though an Englishman) Charles Darwin. GRAY:  174   …
  • … at an unexpected and probably transient notoriety… Charles Darwin died on the 19th April …
  • … 25 DECEMBER 1874 206  TO A GRAY 15 JANUARY [1872] 207  FROM A GRAY 2 …

Darwin in letters,1870: Human evolution


The year 1870 is aptly summarised by the brief entry Darwin made in his journal: ‘The whole of the year at work on the Descent of Man & Selection in relation to Sex’.  Descent was the culmination of over three decades of observations and reflections on…

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  • … on emotion; it would eventually appear as a separate book in 1872 ( Expression of the emotions in …
  • … proofs of  Descent  in December, he wrote to his friend Charles Lyell, ‘thank all the powers above …
  • … in Paris. Quatrefages had just completed a book,  Charles Darwin et ses précurseurs français  …

Darwin on race and gender


Darwin’s views on race and gender are intertwined, and mingled also with those of class. In Descent of man, he tried to explain the origin of human races, and many of the differences between the sexes, with a single theory: sexual selection. Sexual…

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  • … and human nature’]. Shanafelt, Robert. 2003. How Charles Darwin got emotional expression out …
  • … 20 December 1871 Letter to Mary Treat, 5 January 1872 Letter to [E. M. Dicey?] …

Darwin in letters, 1867: A civilised dispute


Charles Darwin’s major achievement in 1867 was the completion of his large work, The variation of animals and plants under domestication (Variation). The importance of Darwin’s network of correspondents becomes vividly apparent in his work on expression in…

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  • …   Charles Darwin’s major achievement in 1867 was the completion of his large …
  • … in man and animals  ( Expression ), published in 1872. Although Darwin had been collecting …
  • … of Argyll, and an anonymous review by an engineer, Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin, challenged …
  • … hypothesis of pangenesis’. Such was the case, reported by Charles Victor Naudin, of a fan palm, …
  • … anxious about the reception of pangenesis. He was happy that Charles Lyell had a positive response, …
  • … will be a somewhat important step in Biology’ ( letter to Charles Lyell, 22 August [1867] ). …
  • … on the anatomy of expression by medical experts such as Charles Bell and Guillaume Benjamin Amand …
  • … and ‘clever’, but with certain weak parts ( letter to Charles Lyell, 1 June [1867] ). Charles
  • … as one who feels himself likely to be beat’ ( letter from Charles Kingsley, 6 June 1867 ). Darwin …
  • … c d  hardly come into a scientific book’ ( letter to Charles Kingsley, 10 June [1867] ). …
  • … the most telling Reviews of the hostile kind’ ( letter to Charles Kingsley, 10 June [1867] ). …
  • … & botany, before writing about them’ ( letter from Charles Kingsley, 6 June 1867 ). The …
  • … than those with beaks shorter than average’ ( letter to Charles Kingsley, 10 June [1867] ). …

Race, Civilization, and Progress


Darwin's first reflections on human progress were prompted by his experiences in the slave-owning colony of Brazil, and by his encounters with the Yahgan peoples of Tierra del Fuego. Harsh conditions, privation, poor climate, bondage and servitude,…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … an inward force or directed by design, while others such as Charles Lyell and Alfred Russel Wallace …
  • … the first sight of Man in his primitive wildness." Charles wrote to his sister, Emily …
  • … , Darwin discussed his views on progress in a letter to Charles Lyell, insisting that there was no …
  • … would be no advance.— " Letter 6728 : from Charles Lyell, 5 May 1869 " …
  • … Letter 8658 : to Alpheus Hyatt, 4 December [1872] "I have never been so foolish as to …
  • … for existence between human races with the geologist Charles Lyell, the liberal Anglican clergymen …
  • … exterminated." Letter 3439 : Darwin to Kingsley, Charles, 6 February [1862] …
  • … Selected Readings Primary Charles Darwin, Notebooks, B 18-29; E 95-7 [ …

John Murray


Darwin's most famous book On the origin of species by means of natural selection (Origin) was published on 22 November 1859. The publisher was John Murray, who specialised in non-fiction, particularly politics, travel and science, and had published…

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  • terms ( Letter 856 ). Instead he asked his friend Charles Lyell, whose  Principles of geology  …
  • open negotiations with his own publisher ( Letter 824 ). Lyells talk with Murray must have been
  • Letter 908 ). Thus began the business relationship between Charles Darwin and John Murray. …
  • In order to ensure Darwins priority, his friends Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker hastily arranged
  • by means of natural selection (Origin) . Again he asked Lyell to act as his intermediary with John
  • Murray made a successful business decision when he included Charles Darwin among his authors and
  • geology was his favourite hobby and he continued to publish Charles Lyells books he was not himself
  • for the immense popularity of its author’ (9 November 1872). Seven thousand copies were required to
  • to get 6 Policemen to defend this house’ (25 November 1872 Letter 8646 ). Fortunately, the

Darwin in letters, 1864: Failing health


On receiving a photograph from Charles Darwin, the American botanist Asa Gray wrote on 11 July 1864: ‘the venerable beard gives the look of your having suffered, and … of having grown older’.  Because of poor health, Because of poor health, Darwin…

Matches: 13 hits

  • On receiving a photograph from Charles Darwin, the American botanist Asa Gray wrote on 11 July
  • of Dimorphismin  Menyanthes  ( letter from Emma and Charles Darwin to W. E. Darwin, [20 May
  • and animal-breeders. As in earlier years, Darwin consulted Charles William Crocker about his
  • curators at a great distance. Gray forwarded a letter from Charles Wright, a plant collector in Cuba
  • Hugh Falconer, 3 November 186[4] ). The French botanist, Charles Victor Naudin, wrote a gracious
  • using such a periodical to defend himself, Hooker and Lyell discouraged him, and he decided to avoid
  • when Colenso was in England in 1864, socialising with Charles Lyell and other members of the London
  • again, to Ramsays view for third or fourth time; but Lyell says when I read his discussion in the
  • Huxleys  Evidence as to mans place in nature  and Lyells  Antiquity of man , and that the
  • … [May 1864] ). He added that he wished Wallace had written Lyells section on humans in  Antiquity
  • for The expression of the emotions in man and animals  (1872). The Copley medal
  • have been particularly heartened when his former mentor, Lyell, congratulated him by saying thatan
  • of moral courage which is so small still’ ( letter from Charles Lyell, 4 November 1864 ); in

Darwin in letters, 1869: Forward on all fronts


At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  Origin. He may have resented the interruption to his work on sexual selection and human evolution, but he spent forty-six days on the task. Much of the…

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  • … address in the fifth edition was that of the engineer Henry Charles Fleeming Jenkin. Darwin had been …
  • … in man and animals  ( Expression ), published in 1872, more than a year after  Descent . …
  • … structures of the South American cordillera ( letter to Charles Lyell, 20 May 1869 ), and fossil …
  • … by these proceedings, Darwin arranged for another publisher, Charles Reinwald, and another …

New material added to the American edition of Origin


A ‘revised and augmented’ American edition of Origin came on the market in July 1860, and was the only authorised edition available in the US until 1873. It incorporated many of the changes Darwin made to the second English edition, but still contained…

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  • … at the conclusion of chapter four. Darwin had informed Charles Lyell about some of the changes he …
  • … a new edition taken from the sixth English edition of 1872 (Freeman 1977, pp. 85–6).   …
  • … and descent of species.     Charles Darwin Down, Bromley, Kent, Feb. …
  • … I can, after having read the discussions on this subject by Lyell and by Hooker in regard to plants, …



There are more than five hundred letters associated with the research and writing of Darwin’s book, Descent of man and selection in relation to sex (Descent). They trace not only the tortuous route to eventual publication, but the development of Darwin’s…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … concealed it . Just weeks after publication he wrote to Charles Lyell, ‘ I show that I believe man …
  • … is in fact impossible to doubt it ’. At the time, Lyell was himself writing about human …
  • … as The expression of the emotions in man and animals (1872).  ‘ As you are interested …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 26 hits

  • by H. W. Rutherford ( Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, …
  • Louisiana [darby 1816] & Finch Travels [Finch 1833]. (Lyell) Maximilian in Brazil [Wied
  • of Mexico [W. H. Prescott 1843], strongly recommended by Lyell (read) Berkeleys Works
  • 1844] L d  Cloncurry Memm [Lawless 1849] Lady Lyell Sir J Heads Forest scenes in
  • round world 18036 [Lisyansky 1814]— nothing Lyells Elements of Geology [Lyell 1838] …
  • J 57  Brownes Religio Medici [T. Browne 1643] Lyells Book III 5th Edit 58  [Lyell 1837] …
  • … —— 30 th  Lyells Principles. 3. Vol. 6 th  Edit [Lyell 1840]— references at end.— April 6
  • abstracted 22 d  Lyells Elem. 2 d  Edit. [Lyell 1841] d[itt]o.— Jan 3 d . …
  • Miserable Aug. 5 th  Lyells Travels in N. America [Lyell 1845] Oct. Cosmos [A. von
  • … [J. J. von Tschudi 1847] 15. Skimmed 7 th  Edit of Lyells Elements 80  [Lyell 1847] …
  • in Sutherlandshire [Saint John 1849] June 30. Sir C. Lyell Second Visit to America [Lyell
  • Reform [Anon. 1850].— April 5 Manual of Geology Lyell [Lyell 1851] —— 30 Annales des
  • 1859]. (goodish) 1  The personal library of Charles Stokes from whom CD borrowed books
  • Erskine. 2 vols. London.  *119: 14 Babington, Charles Cardale. 1839Primitiæ floræ   …
  • of Useful Knowledge.) London.  *119: 13 Badham, Charles David. 1845Insect life . …
  • … [Abstract in DAR 205.3: 180.] 119: 21a Bell, Charles. 1806Essays on the anatomy of
  • of the London Clay . London.  *119: 12v. Brace, Charles Loring. 1852Hungary in 1851: …
  • life from 1838 to the present   time . Edited by John Charles Templer. 3 vols. London128: 9
  • … . 3 vols. Edinburgh and London128: 25 Bunbury, Charles James Fox. 1848Journal of a
  • nature of virtue . Cambridge.  *119: 13 Buxton, Charles. 1848Memoirs of Sir Thomas
  • Rural hours . 2 vols. London.  *119: 24 Coote, Charles. 1819The history of England, …
  • to the treaty concluded at Paris, in the year 1815; by   Charles Coote . 4 vols. London119: …
  • during the years 18381842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. New York. [Abstract in DAR
  • during the years 18381842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. [Abstract in
  • of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I.,   and Charles I., 15401646 . 2 vols. London.  …
  • of wheat . Jersey and London. [Darwin Library; 2d ed. (1872) also in Darwin Library.]  *119: 7v.; …

Darwin in Conversation exhibition


Meet Charles Darwin as you have never met him before. Come to our exhibition at Cambridge University Library, running from 9 July to 3 December 2022, and discover a fascinating series of interwoven conversations with Darwin's many hundreds of…

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  • …  to discuss your visit   Meet Charles Darwin as you have never met him before.  …

Darwin in letters, 1868: Studying sex


The quantity of Darwin’s correspondence increased dramatically in 1868 due largely to his ever-widening research on human evolution and sexual selection.Darwin’s theory of sexual selection as applied to human descent led him to investigate aspects of the…

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  • … additional facts that they hoped might be of interest. Charles Henry Binstead, a civil engineer in …
  • … son, William, met on occasion with a Southampton surgeon, Charles Langstaff, who observed screaming …
  • … as an appendix to volume 16 of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin . Religion in theory . …
  • … Darwin by Julia Margaret Cameron ( Image: Charles Darwin, 1868, Julia Margaret Cameron, Dar …
  • … year, but suffered one bout of poor health, complaining to Charles Lyell on 14 July : ‘the last 3 …
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