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From T. H. Farrer to Horace Darwin   [before 27 June 1879]


Explains why he does not approve of an engagement between his daughter, Emma Cecilia (Ida) Farrer and Horace Darwin.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Horace Darwin
Date:  [before 27 June 1879]
Classmark:  English Heritage, Down House (EH 88207899)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12124F

Matches: 4 hits

  • … Farrer, T. H. Darwin, Horace
  • … From T. H. Farrer to Horace Darwin   [before 27 June 1879] …
  • … 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer Abinger Hall, Dorking [before 27 June 1879] Horace Darwin
  • … of an engagement between his daughter, Emma Cecilia (Ida) Farrer and Horace Darwin. …

From T. H. Farrer   12 October 1879



Gives up his wish to keep secret the engagement of his daughter to Horace Darwin.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Oct 1879
Classmark:  DAR 164: 93
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12253

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Gives up his wish to keep secret the engagement of his daughter to Horace Darwin. …
  • … uncertain ( letter from T. H. Farrer to Horace Darwin, [August–September 1879] (Down …
  • Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer had announced their wish to become engaged in June, but T. H. …
  • … 123); letter from T. H. Farrer to Horace Darwin, [August–September 1879] (Down House, EH …
  • Darwin to H. E. Litchfield, [29 September 1879] (DAR 219.9: 211)). See also letter from CD to T. H. Farrer, 27 June [1879] . Farrer’s letter to Horace
  • Horace today. I will only add—as I have been the great obstacle hitherto—that if his health and work stand, as I trust they will, I shall personally hope to get as much happiness from the connection as I could from any marriage which carries her away from home Believe me | Very sincerely yours with every kind wish to yourself & Mrs Darwin | …

To T. H. Farrer   31 October 1879



Discusses financial and other arrangements for marriage of Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer. Mentions anticipated inheritance of children.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  31 Oct 1879
Classmark:  DAR 185: 19
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12280

Matches: 5 hits

  • … and other arrangements for marriage of Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer. Mentions anticipated …
  • Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer were married on 3 January 1880 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR …
  • … CD’s property, with CD’s later additions, see the letter to Horace Darwin, [28 June 1879]. …
  • Horace as one of the most fortunate of men— Believe me, my dear Farrer | Yours very sincerely | Charles R.  Darwin
  • Darwin children, 21 February 1879 . One of T. H. Farrer’s brothers, William James Farrer , was a lawyer; for the results of the interview, see the letter from W. M. Hacon, 7 November 1879 . William Mackmurdo Hacon . In January 1881, Horace

From T. H. Farrer   2 November 1879



Concerning the settlement for Horace Darwin and Ida.

Will give CD’s potato papers to Lord Sandon.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  2 Nov 1879
Classmark:  DAR 164: 95
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12287

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Concerning the settlement for Horace Darwin and Ida. Will give CD’s potato papers to Lord …
  • … Michael J. G. and Wolfe, Arthur F. 1987. Horace Darwin’s shop: a history of the Cambridge …
  • … to discuss the marriage settlement for Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer (see letter to T. H. …

To T. H. Farrer   27 June [1879]



Wishes to call on THF to discuss the situation with regard to Horace Darwin [who wishes to marry THF’s daughter, Emma Cecilia (Ida)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  27 June [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 21
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12125

Matches: 6 hits

  • … to discuss the situation with regard to Horace Darwin [who wishes to marry THF’s daughter, …
  • … The year is established by the reference to Horace Darwin (see n. 2, below). …
  • … concerns ( letter from T. H. Farrer to Horace Darwin, [26 June 1879] (Down House MS, EH …
  • … a note for Horace the previous day at the home of Erasmus Alvey Darwin , where the Darwins …
  • Darwin, [1 July 1879] (DAR 219.1: 123); CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). In the note, Farrer had explained his objections to an engagement between Horace
  • Horace’s conduct appear less presumptuous in your eyes than it must naturally appear to you. I would call on you anywhere this evening or as early as you like tomorrow morning, if you will grant me an interview. Believe me | my dear Farrer | Yours very sincerely | Charles Darwin

To T. H. Farrer   13 October 1879


Rejoices at THF’s consenting to the marriage of his daughter Ida and Horace Darwin, although the match is a poor one for Ida "in a worldly point of view". [See 12253.]

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  13 Oct 1879
Classmark:  English Heritage, Down House (EH 88207898)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12256A

Matches: 3 hits

  • … the marriage of his daughter Ida and Horace Darwin, although the match is a poor one for …
  • … to making public the engagement of Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer . See letter from T. H. …
  • Horace has as sweet a temper & as unselfish a disposition as anyone whom I have ever known; & this is of more importance for the happiness of married life than wealth, grandeur or distinction, & more even than strong health. — I beg you to give my love to Effie, & once again accept my very true thanks. Believe me, my dear Farrer | Ever yours sincerely. | Charles Darwin

From T. H. Farrer   10 October 1880



Replies to CD’s questions about worms at Abinger ruins.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 Oct 1880
Classmark:  DAR 164: 102
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12751

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Telegraph. ) 10 Oct/80 My dear Mr Darwin Horace, Payne, Ida & I have been examining the …
  • Horace Darwin , George Payne , Farrer’s gardener, Ida Darwin , and Farrer were examining …
  • … T. H. Farrer, 10 October [1880] ). Horace and Ida Darwin had been on a honeymoon tour in …

From T. H. Farrer   30 October 1879



Has Torbitt any further results? THF has forgotten what he had proposed to do.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  30 Oct 1879
Classmark:  DAR 164: 94
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12279

Matches: 2 hits

  • … with her on 25 October (see letter to Horace Darwin, 23 October [1879] ). Godfrey Wedgwood …
  • … where Farrer was permanent secretary. Horace Darwin was engaged to marry Ida Farrer ; he …

From T. H. Farrer   16 June 1872



Asks CD for seeds of some plants.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 June 1872
Classmark:  DAR 164: 72
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8390

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Emma Cecilia Farrer (Ida), married Horace Darwin in 1880 (Wedgwood and Wedgwood 1980 , …

From T. H. Farrer   5 November 1881



Has received Earthworms.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  5 Nov 1881
Classmark:  DAR 164: 104
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13461

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Michael J. G. and Wolfe, Arthur F. 1987. Horace Darwin’s shop: a history of the Cambridge …
  • … 2012 ). The Farrers visited Horace and Ida Darwin in Cambridge. Farrer was permanent …

To T. H. Farrer   13 October 1880


THF’s copybook has cleared up all points. The castings are invaluable. Encloses further queries [missing].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  13 Oct 1880
Classmark:  Linnean Society of London (LS Ms 299/37)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12755

Matches: 1 hit

  • … from T. H. Farrer, 9 October 1880 ). Horace Darwin had collected worm-castings from a road …

From T. H. Farrer   9 October 1880



Sends the marked plans of the Abinger Hall excavation site.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  9 Oct 1880
Classmark:  DAR 164: 101
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12748

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Farrer, 1 October 1880 and n. 8). Ida and Horace Darwin and Thomas Cecil Farrer , Farrer’s …

From T. H. Farrer   16 October 1880



Notes and replies to queries on worm-castings and worm activity on a rubble-covered road.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 Oct 1880
Classmark:  DAR 63: 42
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12762

Matches: 1 hit

  • … in the road? Yes carefully picked up by Horace Darwin in my presence (5) Were there many …

From T. H. Farrer   6 October 1880



Replies to CD’s questions [in 12732] regarding the Abinger Hall excavations.


Family news.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  6 Oct 1880
Classmark:  DAR 164: 100
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12739

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Farrer’s daughter by his first wife) and Horace Darwin were settling into their new house …

From T. H. Farrer   13 January 1882



Potatoes [from Torbitt experiment] sent him for eating were very poor. Those for seed produced abundantly, but have not resisted disease better than other kinds that Payne [his gardener] has grown.

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Jan 1882
Classmark:  DAR 164: 105
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13617

Matches: 2 hits

  • … s gardener was George Payne . Horace and Ida Darwin ’s first child, Erasmus Darwin (1881– …
  • Darwin I hardly think it is worth while to send the inclosed to Caird—but will mention it to him next week. As regards the potatoes sent to me—those which were for eating we found very poor. Those which were for seed have produced abundantly but we have not tried them yet. They have not resisted disease better than other kinds which Payne has grown Sincerely yrs | T H Farrer It was a pleasure to see Ida looking so bright & well but Horace

To T. H. Farrer   8 October 1880



Questions the exact location of rooms and trenches at Abinger excavation [for Earthworms].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Date:  8 Oct 1880
Classmark:  Linnean Society of London (LS Ms 299/35); DAR 185: 38
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12743

Matches: 1 hit

  • … H. Farrer, 6 October 1880 and n. 7). Horace and Ida Darwin had stayed at Down on 3 and 4 …

From T. H. Farrer   8 March 1880



Agrees that CD should write to the Times [about Torbitt’s potato experiments].

Author:  Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 Mar 1880
Classmark:  DAR 164: 99
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12527

Matches: 1 hit

  • … met with his daughter, Ida Darwin , and her husband, CD’s son Horace ( letter from G. H. …
Document type
letter (17)
1872 (1)
1879 (7)
1880 (7)
1881 (1)
1882 (1)