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From G. H. Darwin to W. D. Whitney   21 December 1875


Müller has sent Chips [from a German workshop (1867–75)] and a boring defence against WDW’s attack. GHD feels he is maligned for using the weight of CD’s name in his Contemporary Review article. CD says Müller has misinterpreted a letter from CD as supporting him in his controversy with WDW.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  William Dwight Whitney
Date:  21 Dec 1875
Classmark:  Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (William Dwight Whitney Family Papers (MS 555): Box 23, folder 631 1875 Dec. 18-24)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10314

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Review ( G. H. Darwin 1874 ). Max Müller made this statement in Max Müller 1867–75 , 4: …

From Friedrich Max Müller   13 October [1875]



Sends CD his answers to W. D. Whitney’s articles. Sees man as separated from other animals by the possession of language. There is no scientific evidence for even the slightest attempt at language in the higher animals, which cannot, therefore, be reasonably regarded as "stunted man". [See "In self-defence", Chips from a German workshop 4 (1875): 473–549.]

Author:  Friedrich Max Müller
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Oct [1875]
Classmark:  DAR 171: 286
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10194

Matches: 2 hits

  • G. H. Darwin and Whitney in ‘My reply to Mr. Darwin’ in the January 1875 issue of the Contemporary Review ( Max Müller 1875 ). Whitney replied in April 1875 in the same journal ( Whitney 1875 ). Max Müller’s latest essay in Max Müller 1867– …
  • 1867–75 , 4: 473–549; see Publishers’ circular , 2 November 1875, p. 857). CD’s copy is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. William Dwight Whitney had written a critical essay review of Max Müller’s lectures on Darwinism and language (Max Müller 1873 ) in the North American Review ( Whitney 1874 ). In November 1874, George Howard Darwin published a review of Whitney 1874 titled ‘Professor Whitney on the origin of language’ in the Contemporary Review ( G. H. …

From G. H. Darwin   20 August 1875



CD’s suspicions that Legrain falsified experiments on interbred rabbits are like second sight. Has sent a copy of the letter to A. H. Huth.

Henry Sidgwick and A. J. Balfour are "spiritualising" again.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Aug 1875
Classmark:  DAR 210.2: 47
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10129

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1867): 26–49). See also Huth 1875 , pp. 297–302. CD was preparing the second edition of Variation (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). See letter to G. H. Darwin, …

From G. H. Darwin to James T. Knowles   8 February 1875



Letter [to editor of Contemp. Rev.] saying that W. D. Whitney would like to reply to Max Müller. Hopes space can be given him.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  James Thomas Knowles
Date:  8 Feb 1875
Classmark:  DAR 210.2: 46
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9846

Matches: 1 hit

  • G.  H.  Darwin, 10 [February 1875] . Max Müller wrote that he had not previously read Whitney’s ‘Lectures on language’ (a reference to Language and the study of language ( Whitney 1867 ); …

From G. H. Darwin   12 October 1875



Sends an article for CD’s opinion.

Has finished an account of the globes for the Philosophical Magazine ["On maps of the world", 50 (1875): 431–44].

His poor health has interfered with his pitch experiments.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Oct 1875
Classmark:  DAR 210.2: 48
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10191

Matches: 1 hit

  • G. H. Darwin 1875c ) appeared in the Philosophical Magazine in December 1875. George, who was a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, refers to meals served in the dining hall. The men who had recently taken their MA degrees have not been identified. Daniel Coit Gilman became the first president of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in January 1875. In 1867, …

From Édouard van Beneden   18 August 1875



The unreliability of the work of J.-B. Legrain on consanguineous marriages [Recherches critiques et experimentales relatives aux marriages consanguins, extrait du Bull. Acad. R. Med. Belg. 2d ser. 9, no. 3].

Author:  Édouard Joseph Louis Marie (Édouard) van Beneden
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  18 Aug 1875
Classmark:  DAR 160: 134
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10125

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1867): 26–49). Without referring to Beneden by name, CD used his information in the second edition of Variation in a note added to a discussion of the effects of inbreeding in rabbits ( Variation 2d ed. 2: 100 n. 20). CD also recalled the episode in his autobiography ( ‘Recollections’ , p. 425). See also letter to G. H. Darwin, [ …