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CD’s notes arising from conversations with J. D. Hooker   8 December 1844


[Notes on conversations with J. D. Hooker.] Geographical distribution; diffusion and distribution of species. Island and mountain floras; means of migration (high-roads, icebergs).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 Dec 1844
Classmark:  DAR 100: 35–40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-798

Notes on marriage   [after 7 Apr 1838]



Published as an appendix to vol. 2 of the Correspondence; see Considers his options for the future. Debates marriage and the best place to live. Feels the need for experiment and direct observation which would be difficult living in London; he "could not go on as Lyell does correcting & adding up new information to old train".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 7 Apr 1838]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8 :1, DAR 210.8: 2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-409

Notes on marriage   [July 1838]



Published as an appendix to vol. 2 of the Correspondence; see Debates with himself the pros and cons of marriage. Considers plans for future.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [July 1838]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8: 2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-420

From Emma and Charles Darwin   13 May 1865



CD and ED bequeath an annuity of £50 to J. Parslow [the Darwins’ butler].

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin; Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 May 1865
Classmark:  DAR 210.10: 26
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4832

From [C. P.]   29 April 1864



On rereading the Origin, offers a criticism on two grounds: 1. Blending inheritance; 2. The tendency of species to elude competing species. Also competition within species eliminates the weak and thus preserves the species.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 Apr 1864
Classmark:  DAR 174: 1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4476

From ?   6 April 1868



Gives details of some points that occurred to him while reading Variation, including observations on horses, cattle, silkworms, and hereditary baldness and disease.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  6 Apr 1868
Classmark:  DAR 159: 139
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6097

From ?   September 1872



On cats’ habit of leaving the room or house in which a corpse is lying.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  Sept 1872
Classmark:  DAR 159: 141
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8503

From ?   [1873?]



Notes on CD’s Expression.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1873?]
Classmark:  DAR 159: 138
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8706

From ?   [1873–4?]


Cancelled: enclosure to S 9290.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1873–4?]
Classmark:  DAR 69: 11
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8714

From ?   [after 14 January 1874]



Extract from the Honolulu Gazette on the decreasing population of the Sandwich Islands.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 14 Jan 1874]
Classmark:  DAR 89: 120
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8794

From E. T. S.   [23–30 April 1874]


Cancelled: third-party letter from ’ETS’.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [23-30 Apr 1874]
Classmark:  Nature, 30 April 1874, p. 509
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9425J

From ?   13 September 1874



An anonymous letter praising the Origin.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Sept 1874
Classmark:  DAR 159: 143
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9635

From ?   [16 February 1875]


"The learned Darwin states that Moses taught confusion. | For Man, he boldly says, descends from Ape or Monkey – | I, having read his book, am come to this conclusion | Darwin (at least himself) descends from Ass or Donkey."

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [16 Feb 1875]
Classmark:  DAR 140.4: 25
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9858

From ?   [1872–4]



Notes some corrections for 2d ed. of Descent.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1872–4]
Classmark:  DAR 88: 151–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7424

From Maria   [1871–82]



On the Christian God; questioning of CD’s religious beliefs.

Author:  Maria
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1871–82]
Classmark:  DAR 201: 24
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12385

From Maria   [1871–82]



Writes at length on importance of God and Catholicism, and the need to seek salvation.

Author:  Maria
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1871–82]
Classmark:  DAR 201: 25
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12387

From ?   [March 1881]


Notes on the thickness of mould on the slope of the inland side of Beachy Head.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [Mar 1881]
Classmark:  DAR 65: 76
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13070

From A child of God   [after 24 February 1871?]



Urges CD to repent and seek salvation through Christ.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 24 Feb 1871?]
Classmark:  DAR 201: 1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13770

From [?]   [?]



Hybrid fish.

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [?]
Classmark:  DAR 205.7: 283–4 (Letters)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13860

From [?]   [?]


"but most of them [verily?] Christened by myself they may be indulged with a"

Author:  Unidentified
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [?]
Classmark:  DAR (CD Library-Eschwege 1832)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13861
Document type
letter (6806)
Abberley, John (1)
Abbot, F. E. (6)
Abernethy, J. W. (1)
Accademia dei Lincei (1)
Acland, C. L. (1)
Adams, A. L. (1)
Addison, John (1)
Agassiz, Alexander (6)
Agassiz, Louis (3)
Ainslie, O. A. (2)
Airy, Hubert (21)
Aitken, Thomas (1)
Albano, Louisa (1)
Alberts, Karl (1)
Alberts, Maurice (2)
Albrecht, R. F. (2)
Alglave, Émile (7)
Alice (2)
Alison, R. E. (2)
Allen, Grant (8)
Allen, J. A. (b) (1)
Allen, Thomas (2)
Allman, G. J. (3)
Alston, Emily (1)
Althaus, Julius (1)
Ambrose, J. L. (2)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1)
Anderson Henry, Isaac (13)
Anderson, G. S. (1)
Anderson, Isaac (13)
Anderson, James (c) (3)
Andersson, C. J. (1)
Anningson, Bushell (1)
Ansell, G. F. (1)
Ansted, D. T. (3)
Anthropological Society, Vienna (1)
Apatowsky, Henri (1)
Appleton, C. E. C. B. (2)
Appleton, T. G. (3)
Arnold, F. S. (1)
Arruda Furtado, Francisco de (6)
Ashburner, Lionel (1)
Asher & Co. (1)
Asher, G. M. (5)
Atkin, J. R. (1)
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Aubertin, J. J. (5)
Aussant-Carà, Paul (1)
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Austin, A. D. (2)
Austin, C. F. (1)
Aveling, E. B. (4)
Axon, W. E. A. (1)
Aylmer, I. E. (2)
Ayres, W. P. (1)
B. J. Edwards & Co. (1)
Babington, C. C. (15)
Bachmaier, Anton (2)
Bacon, Booth (1)
Badger, E. W. (1)
Baer, K. E. von (1)
Baikie, W. B. (1)
Bailey, W. W. (2)
Baillie, A. F. (1)
Baird, S. F. (1)
Baird, William (1)
Baker, A. F. (1)
Balch, C. L. (1)
Baldwin, J. D. (1)
Balfour, F. M. (10)
Balfour, J. H. (3)
Ball, John (4)
Ball, Valentine (1)
Bancroft, H. H. (1)
Baranoff, W. (2)
Barber, M. E. (1)
Baring, F. T. (1)
Barnard, Anne (1)
Barnes, Kate (1)
Barrande, Joachim (1)
Barrett, W. F. (1)
Barrois, Jules (1)
Bartleet, R. S. (1)
Bartlett, A. D. (3)
Bartlett, Edward (3)
Barwell, Richard (1)
Bary, Anton de (2)
Bashford, Frederick (1)
Batalin, A. F. (2)
Bate, C. S. (12)
Bateman, Frederic (1)
Bateman, James (1)
Bateman, Robert (1)
Bates, H. W. (44)
Bathoe, M. B. (1)
Baudry, Frédéric (1)
Baumhauer, E. H. von (1)
Baxter, E. B. (1)
Baxter, M. L. (1)
Baxter, W. W. (4)
Baynes, H. M. W. (1)
Baynes, T. S. (1)
Beal, W. J. (1)
Beale, L. S. (1)
Beale, T. B. (1)
Bearpark, G. E. (1)
Beaufort, Francis (1)
Becher, A. B. (1)
Beck, John (2)
Becker, L. E. (14)
Beddoe, John (3)
Beger, Karl (2)
Behrens, Frederick (1)
Behrens, Wilhelm (2)
Beke, Emily (1)
Bell, Robert (b) (1)
Bell, Thomas (1)
Belt, Thomas (7)
Bemmelen, A. A. van (1)
Bence Jones, Henry (2)
Beneden, Édouard van (5)
Bennet, C. A. (b) (1)
Bennett, A. W. (10)
Bennett, William (2)
Benson, Berry (2)
Benson, W. H. (1)
Bentham, George (27)
Bergson, Edouard (2)
Berkeley, M. J. (2)
Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (1)
Bernays, C. L. (2)
Bernstorff, Albrecht (1)
Bertrand, Joseph (1)
Bessey, C. E. (1)
Beveridge, Peter (1)
Bianconi, G. G. (4)
Bikkers, A. V. W. (1)
Billinghurst, H. F. (1)
Billings, J. S. (1)
Binstead, C. H. (1)
Birkett, Thomas (1)
Bishop, I. P. (1)
Bissell, G. P. (1)
Black, E. W. (2)
Blackley, C. H. (4)
Blackwall, John (4)
Blackwell, T. E. (1)
Blair, R. A. (2)
Blair, R. H. (3)
Blake, C. C. (3)
Blanche (2)
Blenkiron, William, Jr (1)
Blomefield, Leonard (9)
Blow, T. B. (1)
Blunt, Thomas (1)
Blyth, Edward (56)
Boardman, A. F. (6)
Boccardo, Gerolamo (2)
Boehm, J. E. (1)
Bolhuis, Jan van (1)
Bonavia, Emanuel (1)
Bond, Frederick (2)
Boner, Charles (3)
Bonham-Carter, E. M. (1)
Bonham-Carter, Henry (1)
Bonnal, Marcellin de (1)
Bonney, T. G. (1)
Boole, M. E. (2)
Boott, Francis (5)
Boott, Mary (1)
Bornet, Édouard (1)
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques (1)
Boulger, G. E. S. (1)
Bouton, Louis (2)
Bowerbank, J. S. (2)
Bowker, M. E. (1)
Bowles, W. B. (2)
Bowman, William (12)
Brace, C. L. (3)
Bradfield, Thomas (1)
Bradford, Edward (1)
Bradlaugh, Charles (1)
Brady, G. S. (1)
Brady, H. B. (2)
Breese, C. J. (1)
Brehmer, Hermann (2)
Breitenbach, Wilhelm (8)
Brent, B. P. (9)
Brett, C. H. (1)
Bridges, Thomas (b) (1)
Bridges, W. T. (1)
Bridgman, W. K. (1)
Brigg, John (1)
Bristowe, J. S. (1)
Brittain, Thomas (1)
Broca, Paul (3)
Brodie, B. C., Jr (1)
Bronn, H. G. (5)
Brooke, C. A. J. (2)
Brooks, W. C. (1)
Brown, Edwin (2)
Brown, George (1)
Brown, T. C. (1)
Brown-Séquard, C. É. (1)
Browne, H. G. C. (1)
Browne, Hugh (4)
Browne, W. R. (4)
Brownen, George (1)
Browning, C. H. (1)
Brunton, T. L. (18)
Brusina, Spiridion (1)
Buck, Emil (1)
Buckland, A. W. (1)
Buckland, Frank (10)
Buckland, William (2)
Buckler, William (1)
Buckley, A. B. (7)
Buckman, James (2)
Buist, Robert (2)
Bullar, Joseph (1)
Bullar, Rosa (1)
Bunbury, C. J. F. (4)
Bunbury, F. J. (1)
Burdon Sanderson, J. S. (29)
Burg, C. L. van der (1)
Burgers, T. F. (1)
Burgess, Thomas (3)
Burningham, James (1)
Bush, John (1)
Busk, George (11)
Butler, A. G. (11)
Butler, H. M. (1)
Butler, Mary (1)
Butler, Samuel (b) (6)
Buxton, Charles (1)
Büchner, Ludwig (1)
Caird, James (5)
Caldwell, Anne (1)
Cameron, J. M. (2)
Canby, W. M. (3)
Candolle, Alphonse de (19)
Candolle, Casimir de (1)
Canestrini, Giovanni (7)
Canfield, C. A. (1)
Canning, A. S. G. (4)
Capes, Frederick (1)
Carboni, Giuseppe (2)
Carden, Robert (1)
Cardwell, Edward (2)
Carlisle, Anthony (1)
Carneri, Bartholomäus von (1)
Carpenter, W. B. (3)
Carrington, A. R. (1)
Carter, R. B. (2)
Carus, J. V. (70)
Caspari, Otto (1)
Caspary, Robert (8)
Cassell, Petter, & Galpin (1)
Caton, J. D. (5)
Cattell, John (3)
Cecil, Henry (2)
Chamberlain, J. H. (1)
Chambers, Annie (2)
Chambers, Robert (1)
Chance, Frank (2)
Chapman, John (1)
Charles, R. F. (2)
Charlton, Mary (1)
Cheadle, W. B. (1)
Cheeseman, T. F. (2)
Cheshire, W. W. (1)
Chesney, J. P. (1)
Chester, J. L. (2)
Chiantore, G. (1)
Child, G. W. (4)
Children, J. G. (1)
Choice, Felix (1)
Christie, W. H. M. (1)
Christison, Robert (1)
Churton, Thomas (1)
Claparède, Edouard (1)
Clapham, Abraham (1)
Clark, Andrew (3)
Clark, J. W. (a) (1)
Clark, J. W. (b) (3)
Clarke, Benjamin (3)
Clarke, C. B. (1)
Clarke, Hyde (2)
Clarke, R. T. (7)
Clarke, T. W. (1)
Clarke, W. B. (b) (5)
Claus, C. F. (4)
Clendon, George, Jr (1)
Clephan, T. R. (1)
Clowes, E. A. (1)
Clutterbuck, J. C. (2)
Coan, T. M. (4)
Cobbe, F. P. (4)
Cobbold, T. S. (1)
Cochrane, A. A. L. P. (1)
Coe, Henry (6)
Coghlan, John (2)
Cohn, F. J. (10)
Colby, John (2)
Coldstream, John (2)
Cole, William (1)
Colgate, Robert (1)
Collier, John (1)
Collier, W. F. (2)
Collings, E. J. (1)
Collingwood, Cuthbert (3)
Comber, Thomas (1)
Comettant, Oscar (1)
Commission générale des ordres royaux (1)
Comstock, J. H. (1)
Congreve, Mary (1)
Conway, M. D. (4)
Conybeare, J. C. (1)
Cooke, R. F. (113)
Cooper, J. D. (1)
Cooper, W. B. (1)
Cooper, William (1)
Copland, T. C. (1)
Corbet, Eleanor (1)
Corfield, R. H. (2)
Cory, William (1)
Courtenay, E. M. (1)
Crabbe, E. T. (1)
Craig, J. S. (1)
Crawley, Charles (1)
Crawte, G. F. (1)
Cresy, Edward, Jr (14)
Cresy, T. G. (1)
Cretier, H. (1)
Crichton-Browne, James (16)
Crick, W. D. (5)
Crisp, Edwards (1)
Crocker, C. W. (8)
Crocq, Jean (1)
Croll, James (8)
Cross, George (4)
Cross, Marian (1)
Crosskey, H. W. (1)
Crotch, G. R. (4)
Crotch, W. D. (5)
Crowe, J. R. (1)
Crüger, Hermann (4)
Cuming, Hugh (1)
Cupples, A. J. (1)
Cupples, George (37)
Currey, Frederick (3)
D. Appleton & Co (24)
Dabney, Virginius (1)
Dallas, Charles (1)
Dallas, W. S. (50)
Dallinger, W. H. (2)
Daly, J. (1)
Dalziel, Hugh (1)
Damon, Robert (1)
Damseaux, Adolphe (1)
Dana, J. D. (9)
Daniell, W. F. (2)
Dapsy, Laszlo (2)
Dareste, Camille (6)
Darling, I. E. (2)
Darwin, Amy (2)
Darwin, Anne Eliza (1)
Darwin, C. M. C. (6)
Darwin, C. R. (4)
Darwin, Caroline (24)
Darwin, Catherine (27)
Darwin, E. A. (103)
Darwin, E. L. (1)
Darwin, Elizabeth (1)
Darwin, Emma (22)
Darwin, Francis (98)
Darwin, G. H. (108)
Darwin, H. E. (16)
Darwin, Horace (5)
Darwin, Leonard (14)
Darwin, Marianne (2)
Darwin, R. W. (2)
Darwin, Reginald (10)
Darwin, S. E. (22)
Darwin, Sara (3)
Darwin, V. H. (7)
Darwin, W. E. (172)
Daubeny, C. G. B. (1)
Davidson, Thomas (2)
Davis, E. J. (1)
Davis, Mary (9)
Davy, John (3)
Dawkins, W. B. (16)
Dawson, James (1)
De Salis, W. A. F. (1)
Dealtry, William (1)
Delpino, Federico (19)
Denison, C. L. (1)
Denison, Emma (1)
Denny, Henry (2)
Denny, John (3)
Desmarest, Eugène (1)
Desrousseaux, E. (1)
Dew-Smith, A. G. (3)
Dicey, A. V. (1)
Dicey, E. M. (1)
Dick-Cunyngham, Alexander (1)
Dickie, George (2)
Dickson, James (1)
Dilke, C. W., Jr (2)
Dill, O. (1)
Dixie, Florence (3)
Dixon, Charles (1)
Dixon, E. S. (2)
Dixon, James (1)
Dixon, R. W. (2)
Dixon, W. H. (1)
Dobbs, A. E. (1)
Dobell, H. B. (5)
Dobson, G. E. (2)
Dodel-Port, Arnold (6)
Dodel-Port, Carolina (1)
Doedes, N. D. (3)
Dohrn, Anton (21)
Donders, F. C. (13)
Doubleday, Henry (8)
Douglas, A. J. (1)
Douglas, C. D. (2)
Douglas, Florence (3)
Douglas, J. C. (1)
Douglas, J. W. (1)
Dowie, Annie (2)
Down, J. L. H. (2)
Downing, John (2)
Draper, J. W. (1)
Druitt, Thomas (2)
Drummond, James (a) (2)
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil (1)
Duchenne, G. B. A. (1)
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste (1)
Dunbar-Brander, J. B. (2)
Dupré, August (1)
Dykes, L. B. B. (1)
E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (13)
Eck, F. A. (1)
Edinburgh Royal Medical Society (1)
Edison, T. A. (1)
Edmondston, Laurence (1)
Edwards, Edward James (1)
Edwards, Henry (1)
Edwards, [–] (1)
Egerton, P. de M. G.- (3)
Eggers, G. H. (1)
Ehrenberg, C. G. (6)
Eichwald, Eduard von (1)
Elie de Beaumont, Léonce (1)
Ellacombe, H. N. (2)
Elliot, Adam (1)
Elliot, Walter (3)
Embury, George (1)
Emery, Woodward (1)
Enfield, Edward (1)
Engelhardt, Alphons von (1)
Engelmann, Theodor (1)
Engleheart, S. P. (1)
Ernst, Adolf (4)
Errera, L. A. (5)
Espinas, Alfred (2)
Estorff, Karl von (1)
Evans, Edith (1)
Evans, John (b) (2)
Evans, Marian (1)
Ewbank, Francis (1)
Eyre, J. J. (1)
Eyton, T. C. (8)
Fabre, Jean-Henri (2)
Fairfax, Mary (1)
Faivre, Ernest (3)
Falconer, Hugh (23)
Farn, A. B. (1)
Farr, John (2)
Farr, William (6)
Farrar, F. W. (5)
Farrer, T. H. (70)
Farrer, William (1)
Faulds, Henry (1)
Fawcett, Henry (1)
Fayrer, Joseph (9)
Felméri, Lajos (1)
Fenwick, J. G. (1)
Ferguson, C. E. (1)
Ffinden, G. S. (2)
Figuerola Ballester, Laureano (1)
Finzi, Felice (1)
Fischer, Johann von (2)
Fish, D. T. (2)
Fisher, J. F. (1)
Fiske, John (4)
Fitch, Adam (3)
Fithian, E. W. (1)
Fitton, W. H. (1)
FitzRoy, Robert (12)
Fitzgerald, R. D. (2)
Fleming, J. M. (1)
Fletcher, A. P. (1)
Fleurière, Napoleon de la (1)
Fleury, J. J. (1)
Flower, W. H. (8)
Floyer, E. A. (2)
Follett, Rosa (1)
Fonblanque, E. B. de (1)
Forbes, David (8)
Forbes, Edward (7)
Forchhammer, J. G. (1)
Ford, R. S. (1)
Fordyce, John (1)
Forel, Auguste (4)
Forster, Thompson (1)
Foster, E. S. C. (1)
Foster, Michael (9)
Fowler, J. K. (1)
Fox, C. W. (1)
Fox, Douglas (1)
Fox, H. S. (2)
Fox, W. D. (44)
Frankland, Edward (12)
Frankland, Margaret (1)
Franklin Society (1)
François de Chaumont, F. S. B. (2)
Fraser, George (2)
Fraser, Louis (2)
Frazier, ‘Bronsomerulay’ (1)
Frean, Richard (1)
Freeman-Mitford, A. B. (1)
Frere, G. E. (1)
Fritsche, Gustavus (1)
Fry, C. E. (1)
Fry, Edward (1)
Fry, Mariabella (1)
Fuchs, Sigmund (1)
Gaertner, Albin (1)
Gage, John (1)
Galbraith, J. F. (1)
Galton, E. A. (5)
Galton, E. S. (4)
Galton, Erasmus (1)
Galton, Francis (63)
Gammie, J. A. (2)
Gardner, D. T. (1)
Gardner, E. T. (1)
Garrison, W. P. (2)
Gascoyen, G. G. (1)
Gascoyne-Cecil, M. C. (8)
Gascoyne-Cecil, R. A. T. (1)
Gaskell, G. A. (2)
Gaudin, C.-T. (1)
Gaudry, Albert (6)
Geach, F. F. (3)
Geikie, Archibald (6)
Geikie, James (7)
Gibb, James (1)
Gibbons, W. H. S. (1)
Gibbs, George (1)
Gibbs, John (2)
Gibson, G. S. (1)
Giesl, Oskar von (1)
Gilbert, J. H. (9)
Gill, T. N. (1)
Gillman, Henry (2)
Giner de los Ríos, Hermenegildo (1)
Gisborne, Emma (1)
Gladstone, W. E. (4)
Glenie, S. O. (2)
Glennie, J. D., Jr (1)
Gloeden, [–] von (1)
Glover, Thomas (1)
Godman, F. D. C. (1)
Goldschmidt, Heinrich (1)
Gomperz, Theodor (1)
Goodacre, F. B. (8)
Goodale, W. T. (1)
Goodsir, John (3)
Goodwin, W. H. (1)
Gordon, George (b) (1)
Goschen, G. J. (1)
Gosse, P. H. (4)
Goubert, E. M. J. M. P. (1)
Gould, J. C. (1)
Gould, John (2)
Gower, W. H. (1)
Graham, C. C. (3)
Graham, William (2)
Grandclément, J. M. (2)
Grant, James (2)
Grant, R. E. (1)
Grateloup, J. P. S. de (1)
Graves, A. E. (1)
Gray, A. F. (1)
Gray, Asa (126)
Gray, G. R. (3)
Gray, J. E. (20)
Gray, J. L. (2)
Greaves, E. A. (2)
Grece, C. J. (2)
Green, William (2)
Greg, W. R. (3)
Greig, Mary (1)
Greiz College (1)
Grenier, Louis (2)
Grey, George (1)
Griffiths, R. W. (1)
Groom Napier, C. O. (1)
Grove, George (1)
Grove, W. R. (6)
Groves, Henry (1)
Grugeon, Alfred (2)
Gubbins, M. B. (1)
Gulick, J. T. (2)
Gull, W. W. (1)
Gulliver, George (1)
Gurney, J. H. (1)
Günther, Albert (26)
Günzbourg, Charles (1)
Haast, Julius von (12)
Haberlandt, Gottlieb (2)
Hacon, W. M. (16)
Hadley, E. A. (2)
Haeckel, Ernst (44)
Hague, J. D. (2)
Hahn, Otto (2)
Haines, Abner (1)
Haliburton, S. H. (11)
Hall, Arthur (1)
Hall, W. H. (1)
Hallett, F. F. (2)
Hamilton, C. W. (1)
Hanaford, P. A. C. (1)
Hanbury, Daniel (1)
Hanbury, F. A. (1)
Hance, H. F. (2)
Hancock, Albany (3)
Hannay, J. B. (2)
Hanson, Alfred (1)
Harcourt, E. W. V. (1)
Hardcastle, Mary (1)
Hardy, Charles (1)
Harker, Allen (1)
Harmer, F. W. (2)
Harmer, John (1)
Harris, C. (1)
Harris, Edward (1)
Harris, G. E. (1)
Harris, George (1)
Harris, J. (1)
Harrison, L. C. (12)
Hart, W. E. (1)
Harte, Richard (1)
Harte, William (1)
Harting, J. E. (1)
Hartmann, C. F. A. (1)
Hartogh Heijs van Zouteveen, Hermanus (7)
Hartsen, F. A. von (2)
Harvey, W. H. (8)
Harward, John (2)
Haussoullier, C. P. (1)
Haweis, J. O. W. (1)
Hayden, F. V. (1)
Haydon, G. H. (1)
Haynes, Stanley (1)
Head, H. A. (2)
Heathorn, H. A. (3)
Heckel, Édouard (2)
Heer, Oswald (4)
Hegt, J. N. (2)
Heine, Rudolph (1)
Heldreich, Theodor von (2)
Hellins, John (3)
Henderson, Peter (2)
Henn, E. L. (1)
Hennell, S. S. (1)
Hennig, Rudolf (1)
Henry, H. (1)
Hensen, Victor (2)
Hensgen, Carl (1)
Henslow, Anne (1)
Henslow, F. H. (9)
Henslow, George (29)
Henslow, Harriet (1)
Henslow, J. S. (22)
Henty, William (2)
Herbert, J. M. (11)
Herbert, William (1)
Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe (1)
Herzfeld, S. M. (2)
Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst von (2)
Hewett, Joseph (1)
Hewitt, Edward (3)
Higgins, John (10)
Higginson, T. W. (1)
Hildebrand, Friedrich (20)
Hill, Lewin (1)
Hill, Richard (4)
Hinds, R. B. (2)
Hinrichs, G. D. (2)
Hinton, Charles (1)
Hoare, Charles (1)
Hoare, J. N. (1)
Hochstetter, Ferdinand von (1)
Hoddick, Fritz (1)
Hodgkin, Mariabella (1)
Hodgskin, George (1)
Hoernes, Rudolf (1)
Hoffmann, Hermann (5)
Hofmann, A. W. von (1)
Holder, J. B. (1)
Holland, Henry (21)
Holmes, E. M. (1)
Holmgren, Frithiof (3)
Holub, Emil (1)
Hooker, F. H. (9)
Hooker, Hyacinth (1)
Hooker, J. D. (520)
Hookham, George (1)
Hope, F. W. (1)
Hope, J. L. A. (1)
Hopkins, A. N. (1)
Hopkins, William (3)
Hordern, E. F. (11)
Horner, A. C. (1)
Horner, F. J. (1)
Horner, J. B. (2)
Horner, K. M. (1)
Horner, Leonard (1)
Horner, Leonora (1)
Horner, Susan (1)
Horsfall, William (1)
Horsman, S. J. O’H. (1)
Hotham, Harriet (1)
Hough, F. J. (1)
Houghton, William (1)
Houk, E. P. T. (1)
Housley, S. J. (1)
Houston, J. L. (1)
Houzeau de Lehaie, Auguste (1)
Houzeau, J.-C. (1)
Howell, J. W. (1)
Howell, W. G. (1)
Howie, Thomas (1)
Howorth, H. H. (4)
Huber, Johannes (1)
Hubrecht, A. A. W. (1)
Huggins, William (1)
Hughes, C. L. (1)
Humbert, Alois (1)
Humboldt, Alexander von (1)
Hume, M. B. (1)
Humphry, G. M. (1)
Hunt, James (a) (1)
Hunt, Robert (2)
Hunt, T. C. (1)
Hunter, Edith (1)
Hurndall, Frank (1)
Hutton, F. W. (1)
Hutton, Thomas (1)
Huxley, H. A. (3)
Huxley, Henry (1)
Huxley, T. H. (89)
Hyatt, Alpheus (5)
Hément, Félix (1)
Höchberg, Karl (2)
IJkema, Johan (1)
Ince, J. K. (1)
Innes, J. B. (38)
Irvine, Andrew (1)
Irving, B. A. (1)
Jackowski, Ignatius (1)
Jackson, H. W. (1)
Jackson, Henry (1)
Jackson, William (1)
Jameson, James (1)
Jamieson, T. F. (6)
Janson, E. W. (2)
Jardine, Hyacinth (1)
Jardine, William (1)
Jeffreys, J. G. (1)
Jeitteles, L. H. (1)
Jellinek, E. L. (1)
Jelski, Aleksander (1)
Jenner, William (6)
Jenyns, Harriet (1)
Jenyns, Leonard (9)
Jeremiah, John (1)
Jesse, G. R. (3)
Jeudwine, J. W. (1)
Job, R. A. (1)
John Fox & Sons (1)
John Murray (114)
Johnson, Eleanor (1)
Johnson, Henry (a) (8)
Johnson, Henry (b) (2)
Johnson, Mary (1)
Johnson, William (1)
Johnston, E. J. (3)
Johnston, F. B. (1)
Jones, A. H. (2)
Jones, L. J. (1)
Jones, R. O. (1)
Joyce, J. G. (2)
Judd, J. W. (8)
Jukes, J. B. (5)
Jung, Mary (1)
Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (2)
Kaufman, K. P. von (1)
Keen, W. W. (3)
Keltie, J. S. (1)
Kemp, William (6)
Kendall, J. D. (1)
Kennard, C. A. (2)
Kent Church Penitentiary Society (1)
Kepley, A. H. (1)
Kettle, R. M. (2)
Kidder, J. H. (1)
Kielland, A. L. (1)
Kindt, Hermann (8)
King, Frederick (2)
King, George (5)
King, P. G. (3)
Kingsley, Charles (10)
Kirby, W. F. (1)
Kirchenpauer, Ulrich (1)
Kitchener, F. E. (1)
Klein, E. E. (3)
Knight, W. A. (1)
Knowles, J. T. (2)
Knox, A. E. (1)
Kobell, Franz Ritter von (1)
Koch, Eduard (5)
Koch, Heinrich (3)
Koch, Marius (1)
Kollmann, J. C. E. (1)
Koninck, L.-G. De (1)
Kovalevskaya, S. V. (1)
Kovalevsky, A. O. (1)
Kovalevsky, V. O. (47)
Kratz, Otto (1)
Kraus, Carl (b) (3)
Krause, Ernst (43)
Krefft, Gerard (10)
Krohn, Nicolai (1)
Köppen, F. T. (2)
Lacy, Dyson (1)
Lambert, C. S. (1)
Lamont, James (2)
Landor, Henry (1)
Lane Fox, A. M. (1)
Langstaff, Charles (2)
Langton, Catherine (27)
Langton, Charlotte (6)
Langton, E. C. (1)
Lankester, E. R. (2)
Laxton, Thomas (1)
Layard, E. L. (1)
Layton, Charles (11)
Ledeganck, Kasimir (1)
Lee, H. P. (1)
Lee, Henry (1)
Leeds, A. R. (1)
Leggett, W. H. (1)
Leighton, F. K. (b) (1)
Leighton, W. A. (3)
Lesquereux, Leo (1)
Lessona, Michele (2)
Lewes, G. H. (6)
Lewes, Marian (1)
Lewis, Leyson (1)
Lewy (Halevi), Naphtali (2)
Lincecum, Gideon (2)
Lindley, John (2)
Lindvall, C. A. (1)
Litchfield, H. E. (16)
Litchfield, R. B. (7)
Liversidge, Archibald (1)
Llewelyn, T. M. (1)
Lloyd, R. M. (1)
Lonsdale, Henry (1)
Lonsdale, William (1)
Loomis, E. J. (1)
Lovén, Sven (1)
Lowe, R. T. (2)
Lubbock, E. F. (11)
Lubbock, Harriet (1)
Lubbock, John (66)
Lubbock, Montagu (1)
Lumb, Edward (2)
Lydekker, Richard (1)
Lyell, Charles (56)
Lyell, K. M. (1)
Lynch, R. I. (7)
Lónyay, Menyhért (1)
López-Seoane, Víctor (1)
MacKay, Henry (1)
Mackenzie, J. F. (1)
Mackintosh, Daniel (8)
Mackintosh, F. E. E. (2)
Main, William (2)
Major, C. I. F. (3)
Malcolmson, J. G. (6)
Malm, A. W. (3)
Malven, F. M. (1)
Mansfelde, A. S. von (1)
Mantegazza, Paolo (4)
March, Octavius (1)
Marchand, Felix (1)
Maria (2)
Markens, Isaac (1)
Marks, Newman (1)
Marsh, Anne (1)
Marsh, O. C. (1)
Marsh-Caldwell, Anne (1)
Marshall, Sarah (1)
Marshall, T. L. (2)
Marshall, Victor (3)
Marshall, W. C. (3)
Marshall, W. P. (2)
Marshall, William (5)
Martens, Conrad (1)
Martin, J. H. (1)
Martin, J. R. (2)
Martin, W. C. L. (2)
Martinelli, A. J. (1)
Martinelli, Fulvio (1)
Martins, C. F. (4)
Marval, H. (1)
Mason, Josiah (1)
Mason, P. B. (1)
Massingberd, E. C. (1)
Masters, M. T. (26)
Masters, William (3)
Maston, Thomas (1)
Masłowski, Ludwik (1)
Matthew, Henry (3)
Matthew, Patrick (3)
Maudsley, Henry (3)
Maw, George (14)
Max Müller, Friedrich (3)
Max, Gabriel (1)
McAndrew, Robert (1)
McDermott, Frederick (1)
McElroy, Marie (1)
McIntosh, W. C. (3)
McLachlan, Robert (5)
McLennan, J. F. (11)
McNeill, Archibald (2)
Medveczky, Frigyes (1)
Meehan, Thomas (7)
Meitzen, Ernst (1)
Meldola, Raphael (31)
Mellersh, Arthur (5)
Mendola, Antonio (1)
Mengden, Nicolai (2)
Mengozzi, G. E. (5)
Merrell, S. A. (2)
Merriam, C. H. (1)
Mesía, Jacinto (1)
Meteyard, Eliza (5)
Meyer, A. B. (4)
Meyer, H. J. (1)
Michelet, Athénaïs (4)
Michelet, Jules (1)
Michels, John (3)
Middleton, R. M. (1)
Miller, D. B. (1)
Miller, W. H. (2)
Milne Home, David (1)
Miser, A. H. (1)
Mitford, A. B. (1)
Mivart, S. G. J. (19)
Modderman, A. E. J. (1)
Moggridge, J. T. (31)
Moir, David (1)
Mojsisovics von Mojsvár, Edmund (3)
Molendo, Ludwig (1)
Monk, H. W. (1)
Monro, C. J. (1)
Montague, H. (1)
Montero Ríos, Eugenio (1)
Moore, Charles (a) (1)
Moore, Charles (b) (1)
Moore, David (1)
Moore, S. W. (3)
Moorsom, W. M. (3)
More, A. G. (1)
Morehouse, G. W. (1)
Morgan, L. H. (5)
Morley, John (3)
Morphy, F. J. (1)
Morris, John (1)
Morrish, George (1)
Morse, E. S. (3)
Morton, J. C. (1)
Moschkau, Alfred (4)
Moseley, H. N. (14)
Mostyn Owen, Arthur (2)
Mostyn Owen, Charles (b) (2)
Mostyn Owen, Fanny (16)
Mostyn Owen, M. S. (2)
Mostyn Owen, S. H. (11)
Mostyn Owen, William (6)
Moulinié, J. J. (12)
Moulton, J. F. (2)
Mueller, Ferdinand von (2)
Mumbray, R. G. (1)
Munby, A. J. (1)
Murchison, R. I. (2)
Murdoch, G. B. (1)
Murie, James (3)
Murphy, J. J. (1)
Murphy, James (1)
Murray, Andrew (8)
Murray, John (b) (90)
Murray, John, Jr (1)
Myddelton Biddulph, Fanny (16)
Myers, F. J. (1)
Möbius, Karl (1)
Müller, Albert (3)
Müller, Fritz (53)
Müller, Hermann (36)
Naples Zoological Station (1)
Nash, Wallis (2)
Nathorst, A. G. (1)
Nation, William (1)
Naudin, C. V. (7)
Nemo (1)
Neumann von Spallart, F. X. (1)
Neumayr, Melchior (3)
Nevill, D. F. (15)
Newington, Samuel (4)
Newman, Edward (1)
Newman, H. W. (1)
Newton, Alfred (18)
Nicholson, Hunter (1)
Nicol, Patrick (1)
Nicols, Arthur (14)
Nilsson, Sven (1)
Nipher, F. E. (3)
Nitsche, Hinrich (1)
Nixon, Emma (1)
Nordhoff, Charles (1)
Norgate, Frank (1)
Norman, A. M. (1)
Norman, Ebenezer (1)
Norman, G. W. (2)
Norman, H. G. H. (1)
Norton, C. E. (2)
Norton, S. R. S. (1)
Noyes, T. H. (1)
Nunn, C. W. (1)
Nussbaumer, F. A. (1)
Nägeli, C. W. von (1)
Ogle, William (12)
Oldenbourg, Rudolf (1)
Oliver, Daniel (49)
Orange Judd & Co. (1)
Orbigny, Alcide d’ (4)
Orton, James (3)
Osmaston, John (2)
Otto, Hermann (1)
Owen, G. S. (1)
Owen, Richard (4)
Oxenden, G. C. (22)
O’Shaughnessy, Charles (1)
Packard, A. S., Jr (2)
Paget, James (18)
Palmer, Thomas (1)
Papé, Charlotte (1)
Parfitt, Edward (2)
Parish, Woodbine (1)
Parker, Charles (2)
Parker, Francis (1)
Parker, M. S. (2)
Parker, Marianne (2)
Parker, W. K. (2)
Parkes, E. A. (3)
Parsons, Frederick (1)
Patterson, Robert (1)
Patterson, W. H. (1)
Pattison, W. P. (1)
Pattle, J. M. (2)
Pattrick, R. S. (1)
Paul, George (1)
Payne, A. H. (1)
Payne, George (1)
Peach, C. W. (1)
Peacock, George (1)
Pearce, Horace (1)
Pearson, John (a) (1)
Peel, Jonathan (3)
Pender, Emma (1)
Pender, John (1)
Pengelly, William (1)
Pennypacker, S. W. (1)
Perfil’eva, P. F. (1)
Pertz, Leonora (1)
Pfeffer, Wilhelm (4)
Pfeiffer, E. J. (1)
Pfitzer, Ernst (1)
Pflüger, E. F. W. (1)
Phillips, John (1)
Philosophical Institute of Canterbury (1)
Pickard-Cambridge, Octavius (1)
Pickering, Charles (1)
Pictet de la Rive, F. J. (1)
Piderit, Theodor (1)
Piggot, Horatio (3)
Pim, F. W. (1)
Piré, Louis (1)
Pitman, H. A. (1)
Pitman, Henry (1)
Pitt-Rivers, A. M. (1)
Placzek, B. J. (1)
Playfair, Lyon (3)
Plimsoll, Joseph (6)
Plowright, C. B. (1)
Pole, William (1)
Pomba, Luigi (1)
Poole, Skeffington (2)
Popper-Lynkeus, Josef (1)
Porges von Portheim, Eduard (1)
Potonié, Henry (2)
Powell, F. G. M. (1)
Powell, H. G. (1)
Pozzi, S. J. (1)
Preston, S. T. (5)
Prestwich, Joseph (1)
Preyer, William (8)
Price, John (7)
Price, Stephen (1)
Pritchard, Charles (3)
Provis, John (2)
Purvis, Prior (1)
Putnam, F. W. (1)
Pye-Smith, P. H. (3)
Quatrefages de Bréau, Armand de Quatrefages (12)
Quetelet, Adolphe (2)
Rade, Emil (1)
Radovanović, Marinko (1)
Radovanović, Milan (2)
Rae, John (1)
Ralfs, John (1)
Ralston, W. R. S.- (4)
Ramsay, A. C. (16)
Ramsey, G. M’I. (1)
Ramu, H. (2)
Randolph, Richard (2)
Ransome, Frederick (5)
Ransome-Marriott, J. A. (1)
Rawson, Arthur (3)
Ray Society (2)
Reade, T. M. (8)
Reade, W. W. (48)
Recht, Georg (4)
Redfield, W. C. (2)
Reed, G. V. (2)
Reeks, Henry (9)
Reeks, Trenham (4)
Reeves, William (1)
Regnard, Albert (1)
Reinwald, C.-F. (24)
Rejlander, O. G. (5)
Rekowsky, Franz von (1)
Renard, Charles (1)
Renshaw, B. A. (1)
Renton, William (1)
Retzius, Gustaf (1)
Reuter, Adolf (5)
Rice, Allen Thorndike (1)
Rich, Anthony (24)
Richardson, B. W. (1)
Richardson, John (1)
Riches, J. T. (1)
Ricotti, Ercole (1)
Ridley, H. N. (2)
Riedel, J. G. F. (2)
Riemann, Rudolf (1)
Riley, C. V. (1)
Rimpau, Wilhelm (1)
Rivers, Thomas (15)
Riviere, Briton (8)
Roberti, I. L. (1)
Roberts, Dora (1)
Roberts, M. W. (1)
Roberts, William (1)
Robertson, G. C. (1)
Robertson, P. S. (1)
Robillard, Victor de (2)
Robinson, C. J. (1)
Robinson, William (b) (1)
Rodwell, J. M. (4)
Roebuck, W. D. (1)
Rogers, George (1)
Rogers, J. I. (2)
Rogers, John (a) (1)
Rohlfs, Gerhard (1)
Rolfe, R. M. (7)
Rolle, Friedrich (5)
Rolleston, George (12)
Romanes, G. J. (47)
Rose, C. B. (1)
Ross, James (1)
Rothrock, J. T. (1)
Rouquette, Jules (2)
Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (1)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1)
Royer, C. A. (1)
Royle, J. F. (1)
Ruck, Amy (2)
Ruck, Lawrence (2)
Rudd, Leonard (1)
Russell, Arthur (2)
Russell, Robert (1)
Russell, Thomas (1)
Ruxton, G. A. (1)
Rye, E. C. (3)
Rérolle, Louis (5)
Rütimeyer, Ludwig (1)
Sabine, E. J. (1)
Sabine, Edward (1)
Sachs, Julius (3)
Sackville-West, M. C. (8)
Saint-Lager, J. B. (1)
Salisbury, Lady (1)
Salt & Sons (1)
Salter, J. W. (4)
Salter, S. J. A. (1)
Salter, T. B. (1)
Salvin, Osbert (10)
Salzmann, Valentin (1)
Samuelson, James (2)
Sanborn, F. B. (1)
Sandwith, Humphry (1)
Sandys, J. E. (1)
Sanguinetti, H. S. (1)
Saporta, Gaston de (8)
Saunders, William (1)
Saussure, Henri de (2)
Savile, B. W. (3)
Saville-Kent, William (2)
Sayce, A. H. (3)
Schaible, C. H. (1)
Scherzer, Karl von (3)
Schiff, Moritz (1)
Schlagintweit, Robert (1)
Schleicher, August (1)
Schlesinger, Max (1)
Schmick, J. H. (2)
Schmidt, Max (1)
Schmidt, Oskar (1)
Schneider, G. H. (1)
Schneider, Hugo (2)
Schobloch, Anton (1)
Schreiber, Bruno (1)
Schulte, Eduard (3)
Schultze, Fritz (1)
Schultze, M. J. S. (1)
Schweizerbart, C. F. (1)
Schwerzfeger, Frederick (1)
Schön, Johannes (1)
Sclater, P. L. (4)
Scott, John (50)
Scott, W. H. (1)
Scrimgeour, Robert Shedden & John Shedden & Co. (1)
Seare, Thomas (1)
Secretary of the Post Office (2)
Seddon, W. Z. (1)
Sedgwick, Adam (5)
Sedgwick, Sara (3)
Sedgwick, William (1)
Seemann, B. C. (1)
Segrave, W. F. (1)
Seidlitz, Georg von (1)
Seidlitz, Karl von (1)
Sella, Quintino (1)
Semmig, Herman (1)
Semper, C. G. (8)
Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (1)
Severtsov, N. A. (1)
Sharpe, Daniel (1)
Sharpe, R. B. (2)
Shaw, Charles (1)
Shaw, E. R. (1)
Shaw, James (6)
Shaw, Robert (3)
Sherlock, T. T. (1)
Shuttleworth, Caroline (1)
Siebold, C. T. E. von (2)
Sievert, K. S. (1)
Sigerson, George (1)
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr (2)
Silliman, Benjamin, Sr (2)
Sim, George (1)
Simmons, F. W. C. (1)
Simms, Joseph (1)
Simon, Heinrich Henry (1)
Simon, John (1)
Simpson, George (1)
Simpson, J. F. (6)
Sinclair, J. L. (1)
Sinclair, James (1)
Sirk, Leopold (1)
Skertchly, S. B. J. (5)
Skirving, R. S. (2)
Slack, H. J. (1)
Smith, A. C. (1)
Smith, A. R. (1)
Smith, Andrew (7)
Smith, C. A. (2)
Smith, C. H. (a) (1)
Smith, C. V. (1)
Smith, Cecil (1)
Smith, D. T. (1)
Smith, E. D. (1)
Smith, Elder & Co (5)
Smith, Frederick (a) (14)
Smith, J. T. (1)
Smith, John (c) (1)
Smith, Robert (1)
Smith, W. G. (3)
Smither, A. (1)
Smyth, H. B. (1)
Smyth, H. G. (1)
Smyth, R. B. (1)
Snow, M. I. (1)
Snow, W. P. (1)
Sobko, N. (1)
Sociedade de geographia de Lisboa (1)
Società Geografica Italiana (1)
Société Impériale Zoologique d’Acclimatation (1)
Société Royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-arts de Belgique (1)
Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchâtel (1)
Somerville, Mary (1)
Sorby, H. C. (4)
Souza Corrêa, Arthur de (4)
Sowerby, G. B. (5)
Sowerby, G. B., Jr (1)
Spain, T. D. (1)
Spalding, D. A. (1)
Spallanzani Monument Committee (1)
Sparkes, George (1)
Spearman, A. Y. (1)
Speedy, T. C. S. (1)
Spencer, Herbert (12)
Spengel, J. W. (2)
Spottiswoode, William (3)
Spratt, T. A. B. (1)
Spruce, Richard (3)
St Clair, George (1)
Stainton, H. T. (4)
Staley, T. N. (3)
Stanhope, P. H. (1)
Stanley, A. M. (1)
Stanley, E. H. (1)
Stanley, M. C. (8)
Stanley, Thomas (1)
Stanley, William Ford (1)
Staudinger, Otto (1)
Stebbing, T. R. R. (1)
Stecker, Anton (2)
Stecki, Henryk (2)
Steenstrup, Japetus (2)
Steffen, Max (1)
Stephen, Leslie (3)
Stewardson, Thomas (1)
Stillfried, Adolphe de (1)
Stoddard, C. W. (1)
Stokes, G. G. (3)
Stokes, J. L. (1)
Stoliczka, Ferdinand (1)
Stoneham, Allen (1)
Stoppelaar, G. N. de (1)
Story, Nevil (2)
Story-Maskelyne, Nevil (2)
Story-Maskelyne, T. M. (1)
Strachey, Richard (2)
Strasburger, Eduard (2)
Strickland, H. E. (3)
Struthers, John (1)
Strutt, J. W. (1)
Stuart, A. J. (1)
Sturtevant, E. L. (2)
Suchsland, Rudolf (3)
Sulivan, B. J. (51)
Sundström, Rudolf (1)
Surman, F. W. (1)
Sutcliffe, Thomas (1)
Sutherland, C. L. (2)
Sutherland, P. C. (1)
Sutton, S. (1)
Swale, William (2)
Swanwick, E. M. (1)
Swaysland, George (1)
Swinhoe, Robert (17)
Symmes, J. C. (1)
Symonds, Hyacinth (1)
Södling, C. E. (1)
Tachau, Robert (1)
Tait, Lawson (43)
Tait, W. C. (9)
Tanner, M. W. (1)
Taylor, Agnes (2)
Taylor, Helen Biggs (1)
Taylor, J. E. (1)
Taylor, J. P. (1)
Tearle, William (1)
Tegetmeier, W. B. (41)
Tenant, James (2)
Thayer, J. B. (1)
Thiebout, C. H. (1)
Thiel, Hugo (1)
Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. (36)
Thom, J. P. (1)
Thomas, D. (1)
Thomasson, J. P. (1)
Thompson, H. Y. (1)
Thompson, J. P. (1)
Thompson, R. I. (1)
Thompson, William (a) (1)
Thompson, William (b) (1)
Thomson, Allen (1)
Thomson, C. W. (4)
Thomson, Robert (2)
Thornbery, G. B. (1)
Thurber, George (1)
Thwaites, G. H. K. (9)
Tiddeman, R. H. (1)
Tiemann, Friedrich (1)
Tindal, C. H. (1)
Tollet, George (1)
Tollet, Georgina (1)
Tomes, C. S. (1)
Topham, John (1)
Torbitt, James (50)
Tracy, G. M. (1)
Trail, Robert (1)
Traube, Moritz (1)
Treat, Mary (9)
Trelease, William (2)
Treviranus, L. C. (1)
Trimen, Henry (1)
Trimen, Roland (19)
Tristram, H. B. (3)
Trübner & Co. (1)
Trübner, Nicholas (1)
Tscherning, F. A. (1)
Turnbull, Ebenezer (1)
Turner, G. W. (1)
Turner, J. F. (1)
Turner, Mr (1)
Turner, William (5)
Tyler, D. F. (1)
Tylor, Alfred (3)
Tylor, E. B. (6)
Tyndall, John (19)
Unidentified (18)
University of Breslau (1)
V. Masson et fils (1)
Van Dyck, W. T. (1)
Vance, R. A. (2)
Vaughan Williams, M. S. (2)
Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann (1)
Vesselofski, C. S. (1)
Veth, H. J. (1)
Vines, S. H. (3)
Vivian, H. H. (1)
Vogt, Carl (4)
Voigts-Rhetz, Werner von (1)
Voysey, Charles (5)
Vries, Hugo de (9)
Vöchting, Hermann (1)
Wade, W. S. (2)
Walker, Francis (6)
Walker, W. G. (2)
Wallace, A. R. (94)
Wallace, Alexander (4)
Wallace, Peter (1)
Wallich, G. C. (2)
Wallis, H. M. (2)
Walpole, D. F. (15)
Walsh, B. D. (13)
Walther, Alexander (1)
Walton, John, Jr (1)
Waring, William (b) (2)
Warner, Francis (1)
Warter, J. W. (1)
Waterhouse, C. O. (2)
Waterhouse, G. R. (23)
Watkins, Frederick (1)
Watson, H. C. (33)
Watteville, Armand de (1)
Way, Albert (1)
Weale, J. P. M. (6)
Weddell, H. A. (1)
Wedderburn, David (1)
Wedgwood, Caroline (24)
Wedgwood, Charlotte (6)
Wedgwood, Elizabeth (5)
Wedgwood, Emma (22)
Wedgwood, F. E. E. (2)
Wedgwood, F. J. (3)
Wedgwood, Francis (2)
Wedgwood, Godfrey (1)
Wedgwood, H. A. (1)
Wedgwood, Hensleigh (15)
Wedgwood, Josiah, II (1)
Wedgwood, L. C. (12)
Wedgwood, M. S. (2)
Wedgwood, R. H. (1)
Wedgwood, Sarah (1)
Wedgwood, Sophy (1)
Wegner, Gustav (1)
Weir, H. W. (4)
Weir, J. J. (35)
Welcker, Hermann (1)
Wells, Samuel (2)
West, Margaret (1)
Westropp, H. M. (1)
Westwood, J. O. (5)
Wharton, W. J. L. (3)
Wheler, E. A. (5)
Whewell, William (2)
White, Francis Buchanan (1)
White, Walter (1)
Whitelegge, Thomas (4)
Whitley, C. T. (2)
Wiesner, Julius (3)
Wigand, Albert (1)
Wight, G. O. (1)
Wilckens, Martin (1)
Wilkinson, H. M. (2)
Wilkinson, [– ] (1)
Wilks, Samuel (1)
William Clowes & Sons (3)
Williams & Norgate (5)
Williams, James (1)
Williams, S. H. (11)
Williams, S. H. M. (1)
Williamson, W. C. (6)
Wilson, A. S. (8)
Wilson, B. O’N. (1)
Wilson, E. B. (1)
Wilson, Edward (7)
Wilson, Erasmus (1)
Wilson, G. J. (1)
Wilson, Henry (1)
Winkler, T. C. (1)
Winn, W. T. (1)
Wintle, D. J. (1)
Withers, William (1)
Witte, Emil (1)
Wolfe, G. A. (1)
Wollaston, T. V. (9)
Wood, John (3)
Wood, S. V. (4)
Wood, T. W. (4)
Woodbury, T. W. (3)
Woodward, Henry (2)
Woodward, S. P. (7)
Wooler, W. A. (4)
Woolner, Thomas (2)
Wrangham, B. D. (1)
Wray, Clipson (1)
Wright, Chauncey (10)
Wright, E. P. (3)
Wright, John (2)
Wright, Lewis (1)
Wright, R. T. (1)
Wright, Thomas (2)
Wrigley, Alfred (4)
Wuttke, Emma (1)
Wyman, Jeffries (4)
Würtenberger, Leopold (5)
Yarrell, William (4)
Youmans, E. L. (2)
Zacharias, Otto (6)
Zeuschner, E. L. (1)
Zeuthen, H. G. (1)
Ziegler, Martin (1)
Zincke, F. B. (5)
1809 (3)
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