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Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 23 hits

  • … of Anat.— Instinct by D r . Alison [W. P. Alison 1847]. No 19. July. 1840 27 Annales des …
  • … The Emigrant, Head [F. B. Head 1846] St. John’s Highlands [C. W. G. Saint John 1846] …
  • … . Hooker. read Fortune’s Travels in China [Fortune 1847] read Lettres philosop. sur l …
  • … Travels in Peru (translated) [J. J. von Tschudi 1847] Gardners Travels in Brazil [Gardner …
  • … [North 1826]. (Erasmus) read Hebrew Monarchy [Newman] 1847] Berniers …
  • … 1843]. (Emma) (read) M rs  Fry’s Life [Fry 1847] Horace Walpoles letter to C t . …
  • …  animals 54 folio Plates. Maclise 2”12.6. [Maclise 1847] good for woodcuts. (Roy. Coll. of Surgeons) …
  • … to publish one. 45 Gosse. Birds of Jamaica [Gosse 1847], recommended by Yarrel …
  • … B.M. 6. 6. Black Edin. Longman [Ramsay 1848] St. John’s Nat. Hist. of Sutherlanshire, Murray …
  • … Society of Edinburgh ] Youatt on Pig [Youatt 1847]. Westminster Rev. Oct. 49. Article …
  • … [DAR *119: 23] Prescotts Peru [W. H. Prescott 1847] Sleemans Travels to Khiva. 47 …
  • … 1841] Edwardes. Voyage up Amazon [W. H. Edwards 1847].— Cunningham Life of Wilkie …
  • … Edwards Voyage up Amazon [W. H. Edwards 1847] } Home Library L …
  • … Liebigs Lectures on Chemistry [Liebig 1851]. Sir John Davies. China during the War and Peace …
  • … d . Series. vol 3. p. 1 to 312 30 th  Colquhoun (John) The Moor & the Loch [Colquhoun …
  • … [Metzger 1841] Alison on Instinct [W. P. Alison 1847]. 79  Art. Generation [A. Thompson …
  • … Buffon [Milne-Edwards 1834–40]. March 5 th  St. John’s Highlands [Saint John 1846] 8 …
  • … Tone Autobiography [Tone 1826] very amusing March 10 John Galt Autobiography [Galt 1833] poor …
  • … 1848] Madam Malguet [Torrens] 1848] —— Lives of John & Alex. Belthune [?Bethune 1840 and …
  • … Ireland [Thompson 1849–56]. Vol. I. II & 3 May. St. John’s Tour in Sutherlandshire [Saint …
  • … 171] Pagets Travels in Hungary & Transylvania [John Paget 1839]— account of Dogs like …
  • … Empire [Huc 1855] Feb 16 th  Pagets Hungary [John Paget 1839] —— Bechsteins …
  • …  [Paris]. [Other eds.]  119: 19a Hind, John Russell. [1852].  The solar system: a   …