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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. D. Fox   5 November [1830]


My dear Fox

I have so little time at present, & am so disgusted by reading, that I have not the heart to write to any body. I have only written once home, since I came up.— This must excuse me for not having answered your three letters, for which I am really very much obliged.— In the last I received a 5£ note. I have not yet heard the end of the negotiations between Mrs. Field & Graham.— I send your things per waggon as the box is very large, it would cost a fortune per coach.— In your insect box Henslow has put in a Cassida & Donacia.— I have taken out of your bottle 2 or 3 specimens of a black Cryptocephalus which you took in profusion.—

I have not stuck an insect this term & scarcely opened a case: if I had time I would have sent you the insects which I have so long promised, but really I have not spirits or time to do any thing. Reading makes me quite desperate, the plague of getting up all my subjects is next thing to intolerable.— Henslowe is my tutor, & a most admirable one he makes. the hour with him is the pleasantest in the whole day. I think he is quite the most perfect man I ever met with.— I have been to some very pleasant parties there this term.— his good nature is unbounded.—

I saw your friend Mr. Hey once or twice & liked him very much he appears to be a very sinsible man.— I have called on the young one,1 but in this term our communication will go no further.—

I am sure you will be sorry to hear poor old Whitleys father is dead: in a worldly point of view it is of great consequence to him, as it will prevent him going to the Bar for some time.—

(Be sure answer this) What did you pay for the iron hoop you had made in Shrewsbury? Because I do not mean to pay the whole of the Cambridge mans bill.— You need not trouble yourself about the Phallus, as I have brought up both species.—

I have heard men say that Henslowe has some curious religious opinions; I never perceived anything of it. Have you?2

I am very glad to hear, after all your delays, that you have at last heard of a Curacey, where you may read all the commandments, without endangering your throat.— I am also still more glad to hear that your mother continues steadily to improve. I do trust you will have no further cause for uneasiness about her.—

with every wish your your happiness my dear old Fox | believe me Yours Most Sincerely | Chas Darwin *S 2

Friday Nov. 5th.—

I heard from old Simpson the other day, he is going on very prosperously, & sends numerous kind speeches to you.— Do you in one of your letters call Mr. G. Jenyns3 a good or a grand fellow? I am curious to know.—


On 15 February 1829, John Stevens Henslow had preached a sermon On the First and Secord Resurrection in Great St Mary's, the University Church, Cambridge, during which, according to his brother-in-law Leonard Jenyns, his emotional response had caused a sensation. The version of the sermon Henslow had printed to distribute among his friends shows that he was partisan with respect to millenarianist controversies, favouring ‘natural religion’ based on rational enquiry over the evangelical ‘revealed religion’ promoted in Cambridge by Charles Simeon. CD‘s much later statement in his Recollections, p. 380, that Henslow was ‘deeply religious, & so orthodox that he told me one day, he shd be grieved if a single word in the 39 Articles were altered’ has been frequently and erroneously used to imply that Henslow never questioned traditional Christian doctrine. See Walters and Stow 2001, pp. 155–63.
The Rev. George Leonard Jenyns of Bottisham Hall, Cambridgeshire, father of Harriet Henslow and Leonard Jenyns.


‘Recollections’: Recollections of the development of my mind and character. By Charles Darwin. In Evolutionary writings, edited by James A. Secord. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008.

Walters, Stuart Max and Stow, E. Anne. 2001. Darwin’s mentor. John Stevens Henslow 1796–1861. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


CD finds the reading involved in "getting up all my subjects" almost "intolerable"; has had no time to write, or send insects, or catch any.

Glad WDF has heard of a curacy where he may "read all the commandments without endangering [his] throat".

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Darwin Fox
Sent from
Source of text
Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 34)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 87,” accessed on 27 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
