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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. D. Fox   25 [August 1830]


Wednesday 25th.—

My dear Fox

I have been intending to write every hour for the last fortnight, but really have had no time: I left Shrewsbury this day fortnight ago, & have since that time been working from morning to night in catching fish or beetles. This is literally the first idle day I have had to myself: for on the rainy days I go fishing, on the good ones Entomologizing. You may recollect that for the fortnight previous to all this, you told me not to write, so that I hope I have made out some sort of defence for not having sooner answered your two long & very agreeable letters: I am delighted that we agree so well about all the Wedgwoods, & as you say it is so much pleasanter talking about any place or persons that both parties have seen.— I trust that Charlotte1 has driven out of the field your musical enchanter at Ashby: Cannot you imagine how very pleasant I must find Maer, not one drawback. I have not even the least dread of the Parish a sensation, which it appears, you were not quite void of. I should enjoy most exceedingly to spend a week there with you: it is more probable now than that originally you should have been at Maer at all.—

I suppose you are now living in Cambridge with Prof: Henslowe. I shall enjoy hearing from you some gossip about him & his wife2 & I hope you will return good for evil & write soon to me.— I am afraid you must find Cambridge rather stupid. it must be such a contrast from your former life there.— of course every thing my rooms contain is most entirely at your service: you do not know how it would please me if there is any chance of your being there in the first week in October, by which time I would be up, if it were merely to eat our breakfasts together as we did in good old times.—

I shall be at Maer for the first week or 10 days in September, & write to me there, (direction is Maer, Newcastle, Staffordshire) & tell me your plans.—

And now I give you some account of our Welch trip. Hope 2 Eytons (father & son) & myself arrived at Capel Curig on a Thursday. On Monday we went up Snowdon, & were disgusted with it we took 3 Cerculis a few glabrati & nothing else. Hope & Eyton went off next day to Barmouth, Old E & myself staid a few days longer & had some pretty good trout fishing. I joined Hope & young E. here on Friday, but they returned to Shrewsbury on Monday for a cricket match, & here I am enjoying my solitude extremely: I am quite disgusted with Hopes egotism & stupidity: how I wish you were here, the very thought of a days entomologizing with you, is quite refreshing.— Try & prolong your stay in Cam. to October. I long to spend a little time with you quietly. I do not call your visit to Shrewsbury anything, there were so many people making a row & confusion.— The Entomologists did not do a very great deal here, took some good Colymbetes, Cicin: hybrida, & Eyton took a most beautiful Crysomela. I have taken some good Leiodes by the way ask Prof: Henslow, what is the time to get Leiodes cinnamomia. I want some very much.— You ought also to take some good water beetles this time of the year.—

When you write tell me what you read. Remember me most kindly to Prof: Henslowe— Excuse this patch-work letter & believe me dear Fox. | Yours, sinc, | C. D.—


Has been in N. Wales two weeks, having gone with Hope and two Eytons. Not many good insects; disillusioned with Hope, found him egotistical and stupid.

Hopes WDF will stay in Cambridge until after CD arrives.

Some entomological news.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Darwin Fox
Sent from
Barmouth; C 27 AU 27 1830
Source of text
Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 31)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 82,” accessed on 27 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
