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Darwin Correspondence Project

From J. N. Hegt   [23 April 1869]1

⁠⟨⁠letterhead excised⁠⟩⁠

Charles Darwin Esqr

Beckenham Down | Kent

Dear Sir!

In answer to your kind letter of the 19th instant I have the honour to inform you, that the young Pavo spicifers which we bred last year (and are at present healthy and strong) show as yet no difference whatever in the development of the spurs with Pavo Cristatus, and the white variety of the same age. At present there is only a small knob or indication at the place where the spurs must grow.2

As to the second point mentioned in your letter, I am very sorry I can give no information. The monkey tribe does not thrive well in our marshy Country. As far as I know there are living specimens of Mandrils in the Cologne Frankfurt and Antwerp gardens. Dr. Bodinus, Dr. Max Schmidt ⁠⟨⁠1 line excised⁠⟩⁠ of Monkeys and never had Macacus inornatus alive3

If ever you should want any information I always shall be glad to assist you with the little I know. At present we have a splendid collection of wild Cattle of Cranes Pheasants and Aquatic birds. In some branches as Carnivores Pachydermata, Ursus, Cratt. Parrots and Fringillidae we can make a fine show.

I hope you will excuse me if I have sinned to often against the English grammar and remain dear Sir | Yours obediently | J. Noordhoek Hegt. | adj. Dir.

CD annotations

1.4 At present … grow. 1.5] double scored ink and pencil; ‘Keep’ added ink
2.1 As to … remain 4.2] crossed ink
Top of letter: ‘April 23d. 1869’ ink


The date is established by the annotation.
See letter to J. N. Hegt, 19 April 1869 and n. 1. Pavo cristatus has a white form. CD cited Hegt for his remarks on the spurs of peafowl in Descent 1: 290 n. 28.
See letter to J. N. Hegt, 19 April 1869; see also letter from Edward Blyth, 17 April 1869. Hegt refers to Heinrich Bodinus. There is a draft of this letter in the Municipal Archive at Amsterdam (Gemeentearchief). In the draft, the last sentence of this letter reads: ‘As far as I know there are living specimens of Mandrills in the Cologne gardens Dr. Bodinus director in the Frankfurt gardens Dr. Max Schmidt, direct. and Antwerp Mr. Vekemans direct. We have only a very poor Collection of the Common Species of Monkeys.’ The reference is to Jacobus Vekemans.


Descent: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871.


The peacocks mentioned in his last letter as yet show no differences in development of spurs. [See Descent 1: 290 n.]

Letter details

Letter no.
J. Noordhoek Hegt
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 86: A40
Physical description
ALS 2pp inc †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6711,” accessed on 27 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 17
