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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Francis Galton   9 January [1877]1

2 Bryanston St. Portman Sq

Jan 9th

My dear Galton

I shd. very much to like to see you before we leave London.— If not inconvenient will you come & lunch here next Sunday at 1 oclock. I do not ask you earlier because George commanded me not, as he will not be in London till end of week & wants to meet you.2

Pray give my kind remembrances to Mrs. Galton:3 I wish that there was any chance of her coming with you, in which wish Henrietta joins

My dear Galton | Yours very sincerely | Charles Darwin

Poor Henrietta has been in bed for 3 or 4 days with very bad toothache. & cannot write herself—


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter from Francis Galton, 12 January 1877, and by the address. CD was in London at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Henrietta Emma and Richard Buckley Litchfield, from 6 to 15 January 1877 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). See also n. 2, below.
The Sunday following 9 January 1877 was 14 January. George Howard Darwin and CD had been advising Galton on the lecture he was preparing to deliver at the Royal Institution of Great Britain on 9 February 1877, ‘Typical laws of heredity’ (Galton 1877; see Pritchard 2007, pp. 8–10, for more on George’s contribution to Galton’s work).


Pritchard, Chris. 2007. Inheriting Galton’s statistics: George Darwin, Edgeworth and Weldon. [Paper delivered at the Royal Statistical Society, 23 March 2007.] Online at, accessed 21 August 2015.


Can FG come to lunch on Sunday? George Darwin wants to meet him.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Galton
Sent from
London, Bryanston St, 2
Source of text
UCL Library Services, Special Collections (GALTON/1/1/9/5/7/22)
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10776,” accessed on 27 September 2024,
